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Graham Johnson - Benjamin Britten: Purcell Realizations (2006)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Graham Johnson - Benjamin Britten: Purcell Realizations (2006)

Graham Johnson - Benjamin Britten: Purcell Realizations (2006)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 474 Mb | Total time: 143:37 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Hyperion | CDD22058 | Recorded: 1995

It is more or less axiomatic now that anything Graham Johnson turns his hand to will be perfectly realised, and here it proves once again to be the case. That he is accompanying eight of the finest voices in the young and middle generations of British singers can only have helped. Hyperion supplies full texts and a recorded sound of complete fidelity. These are, moreover, well filled discs. It is plain that nothing short of a strong recommendation will do.

The Purcell Quartet - Heinrich Schütz: Symphoniae Sacrae, Op.10 (1994)

Posted By: ArlegZ
The Purcell Quartet - Heinrich Schütz: Symphoniae Sacrae, Op.10 (1994)

The Purcell Quartet - Heinrich Schütz: Symphoniae Sacrae, Op.10 (1994)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 589 Mb | Total time: 70:27+68:35 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Chandos | # CHAN 0566/7 | Recorded: 1993

The 2nd book of these Symphoniae, written in the dark years of the devastating 30 Years War and published in 1647, stands among his central body of works and holds many affecting and beautiful moments. The British recording being reviewed here presents the 2nd book in its order of publication, which is not structured as a coherent work end-to-end work but rather is organized by range and number of soloists, indicating that each of the symphoniae is a single piece standing on its own. Book II starts with the symphoniae for solo voice, works its way down the vocal range from soprano to bass, then proceeds on to the duets and trios and concluding with a few more ambitious works for a full set of vocal soloists.

Raymond Leppard, London Philharmonic Orchestra - Francesco Cavalli: La Calisto (1993)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Raymond Leppard, London Philharmonic Orchestra - Francesco Cavalli: La Calisto (1993)

Raymond Leppard, London Philharmonic Orchestra - Francesco Cavalli: La Calisto (1993)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 577 Mb | Total time: 62:18+57:32 | Scans included
Classical | Label: DECCA | # 436 216-2 | Recorded: 1971

Raymond Leppard's second and more renowned contribution to the modern revival of Cavalli: a classic among Baroque opera recordings which won the coveted Rosette award from the Penguin Record Guide. In 1651, seven years after Ormindo (also reissued by Eloquence in Leppard's recording, 482 9382), Cavalli and his librettist Faustini scored another hit with the hungry but demanding Venetian opera public with a tale from Ovid's Metamorphoses. The change that all of Ovid's central characters undergo is in this case suffered by the nymph Calisto, who is rejected by the goddess Diana, turned into a bear by the Furies and back into a human by Jupiter, who finally sets her among the stars in reward for her patience and her love. Writing as editor of the Musical Times in the summer of 1970, Stanley Sadie observed that.

Richard Hickox, Collegium Musicum 90 - Henry Purcell: Dioclesian; Masque from Timon of Athens (1995)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Richard Hickox, Collegium Musicum 90 - Henry Purcell: Dioclesian; Masque from Timon of Athens (1995)

Richard Hickox, Collegium Musicum 90 - Henry Purcell: Dioclesian; Masque from Timon of Athens (1995)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 494 Mb | Total time: 46:27+65:49 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Chandos | # CHAN 0569/70 | Recorded: 1993, 1994

Dioclesian is the tale of a simple Roman private, Diocles, who fulfils the prophecy of Delphia (a prophetess, and hence Dioclesian's alternative title) that one day he will become emperor. In the meantime, Diocles avenges the slaying of the previous emperor and becomes a hero. With ambitions realized he discovers the he has over-played his hand by responding to Princess Aurelia's advances in the place of a nice homely girl called Drusilla, whom he had agreed to marry. The prophetess, who happens to be Drusilla's aunt, plans his come-uppance before he realizes the emptiness of his aspirations, abdicates and returns to nature and Drusilla.

Robert King, King's Consort - Antonio Vivaldi: The Complete Sacred Music [11CDs] (2005)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Robert King,  King's Consort - Antonio Vivaldi: The Complete Sacred Music  [11CDs] (2005)

Robert King, King's Consort - Antonio Vivaldi: The Complete Sacred Music [11CDs] (2005)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 3.40 Gb | Total time: 12 h 53 mins | Scans included
Classical | Label: Hyperion | # CDS 44171/81 | Recorded: 1994-2003

What can anyone add to the praise that has deservedly been heaped on Robert King and the King's Consort's 11 discs of the complete sacred music of Vivaldi? Can one add that every single performance is first class – wonderfully musical, deeply dedicated, and profoundly spiritual? Can one add that every single performer is first class – absolutely in-tune, entirely in-sync, and totally committed? Can one add that every single recording is first class – amazingly clean, astoundingly clear, and astonishingly warm? One can because it's all true and it's all been said before by critics and listeners across the globe.

Charles Mackerras, English Chamber Orchestra, Leeds Festival Chorus - George Frideric Handel: Saul (1995)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Charles Mackerras, English Chamber Orchestra, Leeds Festival Chorus - George Frideric Handel: Saul (1995)

Charles Mackerras, English Chamber Orchestra, Leeds Festival Chorus - George Frideric Handel: Saul (1995)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 851 Mb | Total time: 61:08+68:46+44:23 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Archiv Produktion | # 447 696-2 | Recorded: 1973

This is a wonderful work, more like an opera than an oratorio (which it is called) with its fine psychological portrait of Saul, the egocentric leader with a tragic flaw, and the trouble his histrionics bring about. We also get to know the friends Jonathan and David–one gentle and rational, the other moody and flamboyant–and the scene with the Witch of Endor is a real creepfest. This 1973 performance serves the work very well, and while we might argue with Charles Mackerras’ slowish tempos (it takes 20 minutes longer than Gardiner’s), the manner in which he allows his cast to act with their words is only to be admired.

Christopher Hogwood, The Academy of Ancient Music - George Frideric Handel: Orlando (1991)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Christopher Hogwood, The Academy of Ancient Music - George Frideric Handel: Orlando (1991)

Christopher Hogwood, The Academy of Ancient Music - George Frideric Handel: Orlando (1991)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 727 Mb | Total time: 157:57 | Scans included
Classical | Label: DECCA | # 430 845-2 | Recorded: 1989-90

Those inclined to take for granted Gluck's remarks concerning opera seria (''florid descriptions, unnatural paragons and sententious, cold morality'') could do a lot worse than listen to Handel's Orlando. Based at some remove on an episode from Ariosto's epic poem Orlando furioso, it's a work which in place of posturing heroes and unlikely dilemmas offers credible characters and situations, all drawn with that touching human sympathy and understanding that were such an important part of Handel's creative personality. First staged in London in 1733, it is one of the greatest operas the eighteenth century produced, yet it almost goes without saying that the very musical and dramatic qualities that place it beyond Gluckian criticism were at least partly responsible for the limited success it enjoyed in its own day.

Charles Mackerras, English National Opera Orchestra and Chorus - George Frideric Handel: Julius Caesar / Giulio Cesare (1999)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Charles Mackerras, English National Opera Orchestra and Chorus - George Frideric Handel: Julius Caesar / Giulio Cesare (1999)

Charles Mackerras, English National Opera Orchestra and Chorus - George Frideric Handel: Julius Caesar / Giulio Cesare (1999)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 883 Mb | Total time: 183:20 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Chandos | # CHAN 3019 | Recorded: 1984

This opera was a personal triumph for Dame Janet. As Caesar, she arms the voice with an impregnable firmness, outgoing and adventurous. Valerie Masterson shares the honours with Dame Janet, a Cleopatra whose bright voice gains humanity through ordeal. The tinkle of surface- wear clears delightfully in her later arias, sung with a pure tone and high accomplishment. As a total production, Julius Caesar was an outstanding achievement in ENO's history. Strongly cast, it had a noble Cornelia in Sarah Walker, a high-spirited Sesto in Della Jones, and in James Bowman a Ptolemy whose only fault was that his voice lacked meanness of timbre appropriate to the odious character. John Tomlinson's massive bass also commands attention. Mackerras's conducting is impeccable and the opera is given in clear, creditable English.

Robert King, The King's Consort - George Frideric Handel: Ottone, Re di Germania (1993)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Robert King, The King's Consort - George Frideric Handel: Ottone, Re di Germania (1993)

Robert King, The King's Consort - George Frideric Handel: Ottone, Re di Germania (1993)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 782 Mb | Total time: 174:53 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Hyperion | # CDA 66751/3 | Recorded: 1993

Handel’s Ottone was one of the most popular operas of the composer’s career, with 34 known performances during his lifetime, beaten only by the 53 performances of Rinaldo. The premiere run in 1723 featured superstar Italian soloists including Senesino and Cuzzoni, and coincided with (and was perhaps the cause of) the height of London’s opera madness, with tickets changing hands for increasingly high prices on the black market. This recording of the 1723 version (Handel adapted the opera in later years for different singers) features James Bowman at the peak of his powers in the title role.

Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Choir and Orchestra - George Frideric Handel: Chandos Anthems Complete (1994)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Choir and Orchestra - George Frideric Handel: Chandos Anthems Complete  (1994)

Harry Christophers, The Sixteen Choir and Orchestra - George Frideric Handel: Chandos Anthems Complete (1994)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 1.06 Gb | Total time: 243:21 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Chandos | # CHAN 0554 | Recorded: 1987-89

This series of 11 church anthems is a sterling example of doing more with less. Though their format is multiple movements for soloists, chorus, and orchestra, inviting grand treatment, Handel had available only a couple of oboes and a small string band and choir (with no violas or altos for numbers 1 to 6). Yet each one of these anthems is a gem. Handel's music captures well the changing moods of the Psalm texts–from somber penitence to serene bliss to infectious joy to the raging of storms and seas. Though James Bowman's arias lie uncomfortably low for him, he and Michael George do fine work; Lynne Dawson, Patrizia Kwella, and Ian Partridge are delightful. Harry Christophers leads his choir and orchestra in subtly inflected and beautifully paced performances.

Raymond Leppard, English Chamber Orchestra, Janet Baker - George Frideric Handel: Ariodante (1994)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Raymond Leppard, English Chamber Orchestra, Janet Baker - George Frideric Handel: Ariodante (1994)

Raymond Leppard, English Chamber Orchestra, Janet Baker - George Frideric Handel: Ariodante (1994)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 932 Mb | Total time: 72:38+66:29+62:22 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Philips | # 442 096 2 | Recorded: 1979

Raymond Leppard's recording … has remained for me the benchmark against which other recordings are measured … Janet Baker sings brilliantly as Ariodante. She flies through the coloratura with ease and presents a complete portrayal of the title character … Edith Mathis is a strong Ginevra, beautifully sung. We easily believe that she has the strength to resist Polinesso but is vulnerable enough to despair at the unjust accusations leveled against her … And with Samuel Ramey in his prime we have an excellent King of Scotland.

La musique au temps des Castrats: Allegri, Broschi, Charpentier, Gluck, Vivaldi (1995)

Posted By: ArlegZ
La musique au temps des Castrats: Allegri, Broschi, Charpentier, Gluck, Vivaldi (1995)

La musique au temps des Castrats: Allegri, Broschi, Charpentier, Gluck, Vivaldi (1995)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 208 Mb | Total time: 47:31 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Astrée | # E 8552 | Recorded:1989, 1992, 1994

It is extremely difficult nowadays to reproduce the sound castrato singers where capable of doing at their time and, too often, one finds voices that are too nasal or merely good falsettos. But in many of the performances in this CD one can let the imagination wander and almost imagine you are in the 18th century. In particular, the performance of James Bowmann is outstanding. Also very special the performace of Charpentier 'Salve Regina' by Gerard Lesne and the others; this of course enhanced by the exquisite sensibility of the director Jordi Saval. Also, the duo of Derek Lee Ragin and Ewa Mallas-Godlewska in 'Son qual nave ch'agitata' is so exquisite it brings tears to your eyes.

Robert King, The King's Consort - Domenico Scarlatti & Hasse: Salve Regina; Alessandro Scarlatti: Cantatas & Motets (1996)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Robert King, The King's Consort - Domenico Scarlatti & Hasse: Salve Regina; Alessandro Scarlatti: Cantatas & Motets (1996)

Robert King, The King's Consort - Domenico Scarlatti & Hasse: Salve Regina; Alessandro Scarlatti: Cantatas & Motets (1996)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 328 Mb | Total time: 77:02 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Hyperion | CDA66875 | Recorded: 1996

In the eighteenth century the cantata was considered to be the supreme challenge for a composer's artistry. Here are recorded three fine examples from the enormous corpus of such works by Alessandro Scarlatti, two for solo voice with continuo, and one which includes a particularly demanding part for obbligato trumpet, faultlessly played by Crispian Steele-Perkins.

Christopher Hogwood, The Academy of Ancient Music - Handel: Messiah, Athalia, Esther, La Resurrezione [8CDs] (2005)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Christopher Hogwood, The Academy of Ancient Music - Handel: Messiah, Athalia, Esther, La Resurrezione [8CDs] (2005)

Christopher Hogwood, The Academy of Ancient Music - Handel: Messiah, Athalia, Esther, La Resurrezione (2005)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 2,05 Gb | Total time: 136:34+121:39+96:44+109:38 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Decca | # 475 6731 | Recorded: 1979-1985

Led by Christopher Hogwood, the Academy of Ancient Music has made many renowned recordings of Handel's music-particularly the oratorios. The beloved Messiah heads up this 8-CD set, followed by Esther; La Resurezzione , and, making its return to the international catalog after an absence of several years, the 1985 recording of Athalia -with none other than Joan Sutherland in the title role! Recorded in London, 1979-85.

Denys Darlow, The London Handel Orchestra - George Frideric Handel: Silla (2000)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Denys Darlow, The London Handel Orchestra - George Frideric Handel: Silla (2000)

Denys Darlow, The London Handel Orchestra - George Frideric Handel: Silla (2000)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 512 Mb | Total time: 59:13+56:10 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Somm | # SOMM 227-8 | Recorded: 1986

Denys Darlow conducts a fresh stylish performance with his London Handel Festival forces, recorded live at the Royal College of Music. Textures are clean and rhythms light and resilient, with James Bowman in the title-role leading a consistently reliable team.