The Velvet Underground & Nico: 45th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition (2012)
EAC Rip | 6 x SHM-CD | Flac(Image) + Cue + Log & MP3 CBR 320Kbps
2012 | Polydor Records / Universal Music Japan | UICY-75343 | ~ 1583 or 826 Mb
Scans(Png, 300dpi) -> 2604 Mb
Rock / Art Rock / Experimental Rock / Avantgarde
EAC Rip | 6 x SHM-CD | Flac(Image) + Cue + Log & MP3 CBR 320Kbps
2012 | Polydor Records / Universal Music Japan | UICY-75343 | ~ 1583 or 826 Mb
Scans(Png, 300dpi) -> 2604 Mb
Rock / Art Rock / Experimental Rock / Avantgarde
Forty-fifth anniversary box set release from The Velvet Underground & Nico featuring the latest remastering. Set consists of 6 discs includes 29 unreleased tracks in a 92-page hardcover book packaging with a sticker of banana. Japanese edition features the high-fidelity SHM-CD format (compatible with standard CD player). The set includes both stereo and mono versions of the album "The Velvet Underground & Nico" (Disc 1-2), as well as Nico's 1967 solo debut CD "Chelsea Girl" (Disc 3), a studio session at Scepter Studio recorded to acetate, and unreleased recording footage from rehearsal at Andy Warhol's Factory in January 1966 (Disc 4), and a live show from Columbus, Ohio (Disc 5-6).
In all honesty, I must confess that I didn't much like this album when I first heard it. For years I had heard about the legendary group but hadn't actually listened to their music. I had only heard Velvet Underground cliches, like, "one of the most influential bands of all-time," "genius," "avant-garde masterpiece," so on and so on.
So I decided to give the Velvet Underground a try and was not initially all that impressed. I think the reason that I was not initially blown-away by this album has to do with what I am used to and expectations. As a kid growing up in the 90s, I am used to instant gratification-albums with excellent production that get straight to-the-point. When I heard "The Velvet Underground and Nico" my initial thoughts were, "this is boring and the production stinks". I really didn't "get it" at first. But, as a younger listener not familiar with the Velvet Underground, I think this is an album that takes time and a few listens to really appreciate.
For me, experiencing this album was like having a few Alabama Slammers. At first you're like, "what's the big deal?" but once it hits you, it hits you.
Once I finally "got it," I find that this album is quite deserving of all the praise it's afforded.
Throughout their career, The Velvet Underground underwent many different personal changes. It was their debut, however, that saw the band at its strongest lineup. The poetic Lou Reed, with his dry flat Dylan-like delivery. John Cale, the most artistic and musically gifted of the bunch. Sterling Morrison, an underrated and underappreciated founder. Maureen Tucker, whose drumming on "Heroin" is indispensable. And finally Nico; the German-born actress/singer who was installed in the band by producer Andy Warhol. Her icy beauty and delivery helped make "The Velvet Underground and Nico" the classic that it is.
With repeated listens, I grew an appreciation for the album's sound and its production. While I initially thought the quality of the recoding was poor-I now feel the low-fi sound gives the album a certain effect, a certain vibe. The low-fi quality makes the songs sound genuine and lived in.
This album serves as a time capsule of the bohemian underbelly of New Your City in the late 60s. It is a chaotic time. While you are bombarded with peace and love and "flower power," there is a sense of disharmony and an annalistic apprehension. Images of Vietnam, conformity and consumerism abound. Struggling artists try to make sense of what they see around them and try to express their struggles and lifestyle. From this atmosphere, from these set of circumstances-"The Velvet Underground and Nico" is born.
I see "The Velvet Underground and Nico" as being the antithesis of another classic album released the same year, Love's "Forever Changes." The two albums seem to contrast each other in every single way possible-themes, location, production, and atmosphere.
"The Velvet Underground and Nico" begins much like a fresh new day for a small child might begin-peaceful, serene. "Sunday Morning" sounds almost like a lullaby. The slightly underwhelming guitar solo towards the middle of the song is the perfect touch.
One of the major themes of the album-drugs-is established right away with "I'm Waiting for the Man." While the song and its lyrics are relatively straight forward, they are also unforgettable. The description of how the deal works is rich in detail. The piano towards the end gives the song a sense of urgency.
The Nico sung "Femme Fatale" is one of the album's highlights. Nico was born to sing this song. She comes across like a black widow. Her icy voice, flat and cold, over the gentle melody is the perfect contrast.
"Venus and Furs" examines the seductive, dark side of human lust and sexuality. While it may seem tame by today's standards, it was most unheard of to have a song about S&M in 1967.
"Run Run Run" sounds a bit like a stripped down version of the Doors "LA Woman" (released four years later). The repetitive strumming riff is almost hypnotic. The distortion towards the end gives the song an almost chaotic impression.
Nico sounds subdued, yet dominant in "All Tomorrows Parties." This mid-paced song takes a few listens to really appreciate. There is a lot musically going on, with guitars overlaying the piano and so on. This number deals with anxiety of the anticipation of what the future will bring.
Without doubt, "Heroin" is the albums highlight. This is one of, if not the best Velvet Underground song ever recorded. It's a masterpiece, pure and simple. It is simply one of the most intense songs ever recorded. The song itself seems to emulate (to some extent) what the user feels like while using heroin. One of the reasons that this song is so intense is it starts out so un-intense. It starts out calm and peaceful, relaxed, and then gets more and more intense as it moves along. The percussion which emulates a heartbeat over the distorted viola just gets more and more extreme, until the climax, to the point of total pandemonium…and then back to relaxation, release. By listening to this song, the listener can see why heroin is so sought after. The world is in chaos with-"all the politicians makin' crazy sounds, and everybody puttin' everybody else down, and all the dead bodies piled up in mounds." The listener starts to understand the lifestyle that these bohemians choose.
After the brilliant "Heroin," the album comes down to earth with the pop-savvy "There She Goes Again" which is a good way for the listener to take a breather after the intense "Heroin". It also helps to keep up the momentum.
The third and final Nico song is the beautiful "I'll Be Your Mirror." Nico comes across as warmer than she did on the other two songs.
"The Black Angels Death Song" is a rather obscure song, whose true meaning I have yet to fully grasp. It's a random catharsis of bedroom poetry. Its off-beat extreme nature gives the album an extra edge.
The album winds down with "European Son." While it starts out relatively straight-forward, it soon takes a left turn. With all the effects (breaking glass etc), it is probably the most avant-garde track on the album. It is also a good way to conclude the album as it leaves a lasting impression.
In conclusion, although it took me a few listens to appreciate "The Velvet Underground and Nico," I know recognize it as the masterpiece that it is. If you are looking for instant gratification, you best look elsewhere. But for a truly magnificent experience, listen to this album-not just once, but several times. Once it clicks and it hits you, you will see why this album is so highly regarded.~ Daniel Maltzman
Few rock groups can claim to have broken so much new territory, and maintain such consistent brilliance on record, as the Velvet Underground during their brief lifespan. It was the group's lot to be ahead of, or at least out of step with, their time. The mid- to late '60s was an era of explosive growth and experimentation in rock, but the Velvets' innovations – which blended the energy of rock with the sonic adventurism of the avant-garde, and introduced a new degree of social realism and sexual kinkiness into rock lyrics – were too abrasive for the mainstream to handle. During their time, the group experienced little commercial success; though they were hugely appreciated by a cult audience and some critics, the larger public treated them with indifference or, occasionally, scorn. the Velvets' music was too important to languish in obscurity, though; their cult only grew larger and larger in the years following their demise, and continued to mushroom through the years. By the 1980s, they were acknowledged not just as one of the most important rock bands of the '60s, but one of the best of all time, and one whose immense significance cannot be measured by their relatively modest sales.
Historians often hail the group for their incalculable influence upon the punk and new wave of subsequent years, and while the Velvets were undoubtedly a key touchstone of the movements, to focus upon these elements of their vision is to only get part of the story. The group was uncompromising in their music and lyrics, to be sure, sometimes espousing a bleakness and primitivism that would inspire alienated singers and songwriters of future generations. But their colorful and oft-grim soundscapes were firmly grounded in strong, well-constructed songs that could be as humanistic and compassionate as they were outrageous and confrontational. The member most responsible for these qualities was guitarist, singer, and songwriter Lou Reed, whose sing-speak vocals and gripping narratives have come to define street-savvy rock & roll.
Reed loved rock & roll from an early age, and even recorded a doo-wop type single as a Long Island teenager in the late '50s (as a member of the Shades). By the early '60s, he was also getting into avant-garde jazz and serious poetry, coming under the influence of author Delmore Schwartz while studying at Syracuse University. After graduation, he set his sights considerably lower, churning out tunes for exploitation rock albums as a staff songwriter for Pickwick Records in New York City. Reed did learn some useful things about production at Pickwick, and it was while working there that he met John Cale, a classically-trained Welshman who had moved to America to study and perform "serious" music. Cale, who had performed with John Cage and LaMonte Young, found himself increasingly attracted to rock & roll; Reed, for his part, was interested in the avant-garde as well as pop. Reed and Cale were both interested in fusing the avant-garde with rock & roll, and had found the ideal partners for making the vision (a very radical one for the mid-'60s) work; their synergy would be the crucial axis of the Velvet Underground's early work.
Reed and Cale (who would play bass, viola, and organ) would need to assemble a full band, making tentative steps along this direction by performing together in the Primitives (which also included experimental filmmaker Tony Conrad and avant-garde sculptor Walter DeMaria) to promote a bizarre Reed-penned Pickwick single ("The Ostrich"). By 1965, the group was a quartet called the Velvet Underground, including Reed, Cale, guitarist Sterling Morrison (an old friend of Reed's), and drummer Angus MacLise. MacLise quit before the band's first paying gig, claiming that accepting money for art was a sellout; the Velvets quickly recruited drummer Maureen Tucker, a sister of one of Morrison's friends.
Even at this point, the Velvets were well on their way to developing something quite different. Their original material, principally penned and sung by Reed, dealt with the hard urban realities of Manhattan, describing drug use, sadomasochism, and decadence in cool, unapologetic detail in "Heroin," "I'm Waiting for the Man," "Venus in Furs," and "All Tomorrow's Parties." These were wedded to basic, hard-nosed rock riffs, toughened by Tucker's metronome beats; the oddly tuned, rumbling guitars; and Cale's occasional viola scrapes. It was an uncommercial blend to say the least, but the Velvets got an unexpected benefactor when artist and all-around pop-art icon Andy Warhol caught the band at a club around the end of 1965. Warhol quickly assumed management of the group, incorporating them into his mixed-media/performance art ensemble, the Exploding Plastic Inevitable. By spring 1966, Warhol was producing their debut album.
Warhol was also responsible for embellishing the quartet with Nico, a mysterious European model/chanteuse with a deep voice whom the band accepted rather reluctantly, viewing her spectral presence as rather ornamental. Reed remained the principal lead vocalist, but Nico did sing three of the best songs on the group's debut, The Velvet Underground & Nico, often known as "the banana album" because of its distinctive Warhol-designed cover. Recognized today as one of the core classic albums of rock, it featured an extraordinarily strong set of songs, highlighted by "Heroin," "All Tomorrow's Parties," "Venus in Furs," "I'll Be Your Mirror," "Femme Fatale," "Black Angel's Death Song," and "Sunday Morning." The sensational drug-and-sex items (especially "Heroin") got most of the ink, but the more conventional numbers showed Reed to be a songwriter capable of considerable melodicism, sensitivity, and almost naked introspection.
The album's release was not without complications, though. First, it wasn't issued until nearly a year after it was finished, due to record-company politics and other factors. The group's association with Warhol and the Exploding Plastic Inevitable had already assured them of a high (if notorious media) profile, but the music was simply too daring to fit onto commercial radio; "underground" rock radio was barely getting started at this point, and in any case may well have overlooked the record at a time when psychedelic music was approaching its peak. The album only reached number 171 in the charts, and that's as high as any of their LPs would get upon original release. Those who heard it, however, were often mightily impressed; Brian Eno once said that even though hardly anyone bought the Velvets records at the time they appeared, almost everyone who did formed their own bands.
A cult reputation wasn't enough to guarantee a stable livelihood for a band in the '60s, and by 1967 the Velvets were fighting problems within their own ranks. Nico, never considered an essential member by the rest of the band, left or was fired sometime during the year, going on to a fascinating career of her own. The association with Warhol weakened, as the artist was unable to devote as much attention to the band as he had the previous year. Embittered by the lukewarm reception of their album in their native New York, the Velvets concentrated on touring cities throughout the rest of the country. Amidst this tense atmosphere, the second album, White Light/White Heat, was recorded in late 1967.
Each of the albums the group released while Reed led the band was an unexpected departure from all of their other LPs. White Light/White Heat was probably the most radical, focusing almost exclusively on their noisiest arrangements, over-amped guitars, and most willfully abrasive songs. The 17-minute "Sister Ray" was their most extreme (and successful) effort in this vein. Unsurprisingly, the album failed to catch on commercially, topping out at number 199.
By the summer of 1968, the band had a much graver problem on its hands than commercial success (or the lack of it). A rift developed between Reed and Cale, the most creative forces in the band and, as one could expect, two temperamental egos. Reed presented the rest of the band with an ultimatum, declaring that he would leave the group unless Cale was sacked. Morrison and Tucker reluctantly sided with Lou, and Doug Yule was recruited to take Cale's place.
The group's third album, 1969's The Velvet Underground, was an even more radical left turn than White Light/White Heat. The volume and violence had nearly vanished; the record featured far more conventional rock arrangements that were sometimes so restrained it seems as though they were making an almost deliberate attempt to avoid waking the neighbors. Yet the sound was nonetheless effective for that; the record contains some of Reed's most personal and striking compositions, numbers like "Pale Blue Eyes" and "Candy Says" ranking among his most romantic, although cuts like "What Goes On" proved they could still rock out convincingly (though in a less experimental fashion than they had with Cale). The approach may have confused listeners and critics, but by this time their label (MGM/Verve) was putting little promotional resources behind the band anyway.
Even in the absence of Cale, the Velvets were still capable of generating compelling heat on-stage, as 1969: Velvet Underground Live (not released until the mid-'70s) confirms. MGM was by now in the midst of an infamous "purge" of its supposedly drug-related rock acts, and the Velvets were setting their sights elsewhere. Nevertheless, they recorded about an album's worth of additional material for the label after the third LP, although it remains unclear whether this was intended for a fourth album or not. Many of the songs, though, were excellent, serving as a bridge between The Velvet Underground and 1970's Loaded; a lot of it was officially released in the 1980s and 1990s.
The beginning of the 1970s seemed to herald considerable promise for the group, as they signed to Atlantic, but at this point the personnel problems that had always dogged them finally became overwhelming. Tucker had to sit out Loaded due to pregnancy, replaced by Yule's brother Billy. Doug Yule, according to some accounts, began angling for more power in the band. Unexpectedly, after a lengthy residency at New York's famous Max's Kansas City club, Reed quit the band near the end of the summer of 1970, moving back to his parents' Long Island home for several months before beginning his solo career, just before the release of Loaded, his final studio album with the Velvets.
Loaded was by far the group's most conventional rock album, and the most accessible one for mainstream listeners. "Rock and Roll" and "Sweet Jane" in particular were two of Reed's most anthemic, jubilant tunes, and ones that became rock standards in the '70s. But the group's power was somewhat diluted by the absence of Tucker, and by the decision to have Doug Yule handle some of the lead vocals. Due to Reed's departure, though, the group couldn't capitalize on any momentum it might have generated. Unwisely, the band decided to continue, though Morrison and Tucker left shortly afterward. That left Doug Yule at the helm of an act that was the Velvet Underground in name only, and the 1973 album that was billed to the group (Squeeze) is best forgotten, and not considered as a true Velvets release.
With Reed, Cale, and Nico establishing important solo careers of their own, and such important figures as David Bowie, Brian Eno, and Patti Smith making no bones about their debts to the band, the Velvet Underground simply became more and more popular as the years passed. In the 1980s, the original albums were reissued, along with a couple of important collections of outtakes. Hoping to rewrite the rules one last time, Reed, Cale, Morrison, and Tucker attempted to defy the odds against successful rock reunions by re-forming in the early '90s (Nico had died in 1988). A European tour, and a live album, was completed in 1993 to mixed reviews; before a planned American jaunt could start, Reed and Cale (who have feuded constantly over the past few decades) fell out yet again, bringing the reunion to a sad close. Sterling Morrison's death from illness in 1995 seems to have permanently iced any prospect of more projects under the Velvet Underground name, although a few of the surviving members played together when they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. By that time, an impressive five-CD box set (containing all four of the studio albums issued when Reed was in the band, as well as a lot of other material) was available to enshrine the group's legacy for the ages.
by Richie Unterberger, Allmusic
Historians often hail the group for their incalculable influence upon the punk and new wave of subsequent years, and while the Velvets were undoubtedly a key touchstone of the movements, to focus upon these elements of their vision is to only get part of the story. The group was uncompromising in their music and lyrics, to be sure, sometimes espousing a bleakness and primitivism that would inspire alienated singers and songwriters of future generations. But their colorful and oft-grim soundscapes were firmly grounded in strong, well-constructed songs that could be as humanistic and compassionate as they were outrageous and confrontational. The member most responsible for these qualities was guitarist, singer, and songwriter Lou Reed, whose sing-speak vocals and gripping narratives have come to define street-savvy rock & roll.
Reed loved rock & roll from an early age, and even recorded a doo-wop type single as a Long Island teenager in the late '50s (as a member of the Shades). By the early '60s, he was also getting into avant-garde jazz and serious poetry, coming under the influence of author Delmore Schwartz while studying at Syracuse University. After graduation, he set his sights considerably lower, churning out tunes for exploitation rock albums as a staff songwriter for Pickwick Records in New York City. Reed did learn some useful things about production at Pickwick, and it was while working there that he met John Cale, a classically-trained Welshman who had moved to America to study and perform "serious" music. Cale, who had performed with John Cage and LaMonte Young, found himself increasingly attracted to rock & roll; Reed, for his part, was interested in the avant-garde as well as pop. Reed and Cale were both interested in fusing the avant-garde with rock & roll, and had found the ideal partners for making the vision (a very radical one for the mid-'60s) work; their synergy would be the crucial axis of the Velvet Underground's early work.
Reed and Cale (who would play bass, viola, and organ) would need to assemble a full band, making tentative steps along this direction by performing together in the Primitives (which also included experimental filmmaker Tony Conrad and avant-garde sculptor Walter DeMaria) to promote a bizarre Reed-penned Pickwick single ("The Ostrich"). By 1965, the group was a quartet called the Velvet Underground, including Reed, Cale, guitarist Sterling Morrison (an old friend of Reed's), and drummer Angus MacLise. MacLise quit before the band's first paying gig, claiming that accepting money for art was a sellout; the Velvets quickly recruited drummer Maureen Tucker, a sister of one of Morrison's friends.
Even at this point, the Velvets were well on their way to developing something quite different. Their original material, principally penned and sung by Reed, dealt with the hard urban realities of Manhattan, describing drug use, sadomasochism, and decadence in cool, unapologetic detail in "Heroin," "I'm Waiting for the Man," "Venus in Furs," and "All Tomorrow's Parties." These were wedded to basic, hard-nosed rock riffs, toughened by Tucker's metronome beats; the oddly tuned, rumbling guitars; and Cale's occasional viola scrapes. It was an uncommercial blend to say the least, but the Velvets got an unexpected benefactor when artist and all-around pop-art icon Andy Warhol caught the band at a club around the end of 1965. Warhol quickly assumed management of the group, incorporating them into his mixed-media/performance art ensemble, the Exploding Plastic Inevitable. By spring 1966, Warhol was producing their debut album.
Warhol was also responsible for embellishing the quartet with Nico, a mysterious European model/chanteuse with a deep voice whom the band accepted rather reluctantly, viewing her spectral presence as rather ornamental. Reed remained the principal lead vocalist, but Nico did sing three of the best songs on the group's debut, The Velvet Underground & Nico, often known as "the banana album" because of its distinctive Warhol-designed cover. Recognized today as one of the core classic albums of rock, it featured an extraordinarily strong set of songs, highlighted by "Heroin," "All Tomorrow's Parties," "Venus in Furs," "I'll Be Your Mirror," "Femme Fatale," "Black Angel's Death Song," and "Sunday Morning." The sensational drug-and-sex items (especially "Heroin") got most of the ink, but the more conventional numbers showed Reed to be a songwriter capable of considerable melodicism, sensitivity, and almost naked introspection.
The album's release was not without complications, though. First, it wasn't issued until nearly a year after it was finished, due to record-company politics and other factors. The group's association with Warhol and the Exploding Plastic Inevitable had already assured them of a high (if notorious media) profile, but the music was simply too daring to fit onto commercial radio; "underground" rock radio was barely getting started at this point, and in any case may well have overlooked the record at a time when psychedelic music was approaching its peak. The album only reached number 171 in the charts, and that's as high as any of their LPs would get upon original release. Those who heard it, however, were often mightily impressed; Brian Eno once said that even though hardly anyone bought the Velvets records at the time they appeared, almost everyone who did formed their own bands.
A cult reputation wasn't enough to guarantee a stable livelihood for a band in the '60s, and by 1967 the Velvets were fighting problems within their own ranks. Nico, never considered an essential member by the rest of the band, left or was fired sometime during the year, going on to a fascinating career of her own. The association with Warhol weakened, as the artist was unable to devote as much attention to the band as he had the previous year. Embittered by the lukewarm reception of their album in their native New York, the Velvets concentrated on touring cities throughout the rest of the country. Amidst this tense atmosphere, the second album, White Light/White Heat, was recorded in late 1967.
Each of the albums the group released while Reed led the band was an unexpected departure from all of their other LPs. White Light/White Heat was probably the most radical, focusing almost exclusively on their noisiest arrangements, over-amped guitars, and most willfully abrasive songs. The 17-minute "Sister Ray" was their most extreme (and successful) effort in this vein. Unsurprisingly, the album failed to catch on commercially, topping out at number 199.
By the summer of 1968, the band had a much graver problem on its hands than commercial success (or the lack of it). A rift developed between Reed and Cale, the most creative forces in the band and, as one could expect, two temperamental egos. Reed presented the rest of the band with an ultimatum, declaring that he would leave the group unless Cale was sacked. Morrison and Tucker reluctantly sided with Lou, and Doug Yule was recruited to take Cale's place.
The group's third album, 1969's The Velvet Underground, was an even more radical left turn than White Light/White Heat. The volume and violence had nearly vanished; the record featured far more conventional rock arrangements that were sometimes so restrained it seems as though they were making an almost deliberate attempt to avoid waking the neighbors. Yet the sound was nonetheless effective for that; the record contains some of Reed's most personal and striking compositions, numbers like "Pale Blue Eyes" and "Candy Says" ranking among his most romantic, although cuts like "What Goes On" proved they could still rock out convincingly (though in a less experimental fashion than they had with Cale). The approach may have confused listeners and critics, but by this time their label (MGM/Verve) was putting little promotional resources behind the band anyway.
Even in the absence of Cale, the Velvets were still capable of generating compelling heat on-stage, as 1969: Velvet Underground Live (not released until the mid-'70s) confirms. MGM was by now in the midst of an infamous "purge" of its supposedly drug-related rock acts, and the Velvets were setting their sights elsewhere. Nevertheless, they recorded about an album's worth of additional material for the label after the third LP, although it remains unclear whether this was intended for a fourth album or not. Many of the songs, though, were excellent, serving as a bridge between The Velvet Underground and 1970's Loaded; a lot of it was officially released in the 1980s and 1990s.
The beginning of the 1970s seemed to herald considerable promise for the group, as they signed to Atlantic, but at this point the personnel problems that had always dogged them finally became overwhelming. Tucker had to sit out Loaded due to pregnancy, replaced by Yule's brother Billy. Doug Yule, according to some accounts, began angling for more power in the band. Unexpectedly, after a lengthy residency at New York's famous Max's Kansas City club, Reed quit the band near the end of the summer of 1970, moving back to his parents' Long Island home for several months before beginning his solo career, just before the release of Loaded, his final studio album with the Velvets.
Loaded was by far the group's most conventional rock album, and the most accessible one for mainstream listeners. "Rock and Roll" and "Sweet Jane" in particular were two of Reed's most anthemic, jubilant tunes, and ones that became rock standards in the '70s. But the group's power was somewhat diluted by the absence of Tucker, and by the decision to have Doug Yule handle some of the lead vocals. Due to Reed's departure, though, the group couldn't capitalize on any momentum it might have generated. Unwisely, the band decided to continue, though Morrison and Tucker left shortly afterward. That left Doug Yule at the helm of an act that was the Velvet Underground in name only, and the 1973 album that was billed to the group (Squeeze) is best forgotten, and not considered as a true Velvets release.
With Reed, Cale, and Nico establishing important solo careers of their own, and such important figures as David Bowie, Brian Eno, and Patti Smith making no bones about their debts to the band, the Velvet Underground simply became more and more popular as the years passed. In the 1980s, the original albums were reissued, along with a couple of important collections of outtakes. Hoping to rewrite the rules one last time, Reed, Cale, Morrison, and Tucker attempted to defy the odds against successful rock reunions by re-forming in the early '90s (Nico had died in 1988). A European tour, and a live album, was completed in 1993 to mixed reviews; before a planned American jaunt could start, Reed and Cale (who have feuded constantly over the past few decades) fell out yet again, bringing the reunion to a sad close. Sterling Morrison's death from illness in 1995 seems to have permanently iced any prospect of more projects under the Velvet Underground name, although a few of the surviving members played together when they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. By that time, an impressive five-CD box set (containing all four of the studio albums issued when Reed was in the band, as well as a lot of other material) was available to enshrine the group's legacy for the ages.
by Richie Unterberger, Allmusic
The Velvet Underground — американская рок-группа 1960-х и 1970-х годов, стоявшая у истоков альтернативной музыки. Название часто сокращают до V.U. или The Velvets. Ключевые участники Velvet Underground — Лу Рид и Джон Кейл, относительно успешно продолжающие сольную карьеру после ухода из группы.
Несмотря на то, что пластинки группы продавались небольшими тиражами, Velvet Underground оказали огромное влияние на судьбу рока. Хорошо демонстрирует влияние Velvet Underground известная фраза (которую часто приписывают Брайану Ино) о том, что мало кто покупал пластинки Velvet Underground в то время, когда они выходили, но каждый, кто купил, основал свою собственную группу. Критики соглашаются, что творчество группы стало поворотным моментом в истории рок-музыки. Velvet Underground были одной из первых групп, экспериментировавших в авангардном направлении. Сложный и экспериментальный звук, как и реалистичные тексты Лу Рида, повлиял на развитие панка, нойз-рока и альтернативного рока. Медитативность, тягучесть композиций первого альбома группы повлияла на становление пост-панка. Эксперименты с фидбэком и нойзом на втором альбоме — на нойз-рок, особенно на главную группу нойз-попа Jesus And Mary Chain.
The Velvet Underground & Nico: 45th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition (2012):
Tracklist CD1:
The Velvet Underground & Nico (Stereo Version)
Originally issued as Verve V6-5008, March 1967.
01. Sunday Morning 02:55
02. I'm Waiting For The Man 04:39
03. Femme Fatale 02:39
04. Venus In Furs 05:12
05. Run Run Run 04:22
06. All Tomorrow's Parties 05:59
07. Heroin 07:13
08. There She Goes Again 02:41
09. I'll Be Your Mirror 02:14
10. The Black Angel's Death Song 03:12
11. European Son 07:52
Alternate Versions:
12. All Tomorrow's Parties (Alternate Single Voice Version) 05:57
13. European Son (Alternate Version) 09:06
14. Heroin (Alternate Version) 06:17
15. All Tomorrow's Parties (Alternate Instrumental Mix) 05:51
16. I'll Be Your Mirror (Alternate Mix) 02:20
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 20. December 2012, 21:23
The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD1
Used drive : PLEXTOR BD-R PX-B950SA Adapter: 6 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:55.61 | 0 | 13185
2 | 2:55.61 | 4:39.39 | 13186 | 34149
3 | 7:35.25 | 2:39.00 | 34150 | 46074
4 | 10:14.25 | 5:12.19 | 46075 | 69493
5 | 15:26.44 | 4:22.27 | 69494 | 89170
6 | 19:48.71 | 5:59.51 | 89171 | 116146
7 | 25:48.47 | 7:13.43 | 116147 | 148664
8 | 33:02.15 | 2:41.02 | 148665 | 160741
9 | 35:43.17 | 2:14.03 | 160742 | 170794
10 | 37:57.20 | 3:12.04 | 170795 | 185198
11 | 41:09.24 | 7:52.00 | 185199 | 220598
12 | 49:01.24 | 5:57.48 | 220599 | 247421
13 | 54:58.72 | 9:06.52 | 247422 | 288423
14 | 64:05.49 | 6:17.64 | 288424 | 316762
15 | 70:23.38 | 5:51.72 | 316763 | 343159
16 | 76:15.35 | 2:20.26 | 343160 | 353685
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Users\Meijin\Desktop\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\The Velvet Underground\1967 The Velvet Underground & Nico (6 SHM-CD Box Set Universal Music Japan 2012)\Disc 1\The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD1.wav
Peak level 92.5 %
Extraction speed 4.0 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC F53E1240
Copy CRC F53E1240
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [28079688] (AR v1)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [13356CCA] (AR v1)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [2746F9C5] (AR v1)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [CCF0BC44] (AR v1)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [0240D828] (AR v1)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [8887E413] (AR v1)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [F5FF91E6] (AR v1)
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [184FDF38] (AR v1)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [B200D88C] (AR v1)
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C7E1968C] (AR v1)
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [3002D462] (AR v1)
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [1A42D194] (AR v1)
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [BDFEBBF9] (AR v1)
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [8F7CBDDC] (AR v1)
Track 15 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [AB2AA630] (AR v1)
Track 16 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [F233F489], AccurateRip returned [7B34EBF5] (AR v2)
15 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum B494A480ED91682F32941C69F94F31E8C4C5288BA0C75609E88F7DB8421DFB68 ====
EAC extraction logfile from 20. December 2012, 21:23
The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD1
Used drive : PLEXTOR BD-R PX-B950SA Adapter: 6 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:55.61 | 0 | 13185
2 | 2:55.61 | 4:39.39 | 13186 | 34149
3 | 7:35.25 | 2:39.00 | 34150 | 46074
4 | 10:14.25 | 5:12.19 | 46075 | 69493
5 | 15:26.44 | 4:22.27 | 69494 | 89170
6 | 19:48.71 | 5:59.51 | 89171 | 116146
7 | 25:48.47 | 7:13.43 | 116147 | 148664
8 | 33:02.15 | 2:41.02 | 148665 | 160741
9 | 35:43.17 | 2:14.03 | 160742 | 170794
10 | 37:57.20 | 3:12.04 | 170795 | 185198
11 | 41:09.24 | 7:52.00 | 185199 | 220598
12 | 49:01.24 | 5:57.48 | 220599 | 247421
13 | 54:58.72 | 9:06.52 | 247422 | 288423
14 | 64:05.49 | 6:17.64 | 288424 | 316762
15 | 70:23.38 | 5:51.72 | 316763 | 343159
16 | 76:15.35 | 2:20.26 | 343160 | 353685
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Users\Meijin\Desktop\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\The Velvet Underground\1967 The Velvet Underground & Nico (6 SHM-CD Box Set Universal Music Japan 2012)\Disc 1\The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD1.wav
Peak level 92.5 %
Extraction speed 4.0 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC F53E1240
Copy CRC F53E1240
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [28079688] (AR v1)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [13356CCA] (AR v1)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [2746F9C5] (AR v1)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [CCF0BC44] (AR v1)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [0240D828] (AR v1)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [8887E413] (AR v1)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [F5FF91E6] (AR v1)
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [184FDF38] (AR v1)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [B200D88C] (AR v1)
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C7E1968C] (AR v1)
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [3002D462] (AR v1)
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [1A42D194] (AR v1)
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [BDFEBBF9] (AR v1)
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [8F7CBDDC] (AR v1)
Track 15 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [AB2AA630] (AR v1)
Track 16 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [F233F489], AccurateRip returned [7B34EBF5] (AR v2)
15 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum B494A480ED91682F32941C69F94F31E8C4C5288BA0C75609E88F7DB8421DFB68 ====
AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - [email protected]
Path: …\Disc 1 - flac
1 -=- The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD1.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
Path: …\Disc 1 - flac
1 -=- The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD1.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
foobar2000 1.1.18 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2013-01-22 16:20:58
Analyzed: The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD1
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR8 -3.02 dB -14.03 dB 2:56 01-Sunday Morning
DR8 -1.09 dB -10.97 dB 4:40 02-I'm Waiting For The Man
DR7 -3.40 dB -13.29 dB 2:39 03-Femme Fatale
DR10 -1.44 dB -13.54 dB 5:12 04-Venus In Furs
DR9 -2.16 dB -14.49 dB 4:22 05-Run Run Run
DR10 -1.81 dB -15.08 dB 6:00 06-All Tomorrow's Parties
DR10 -0.96 dB -14.51 dB 7:14 07-Heroin
DR9 -1.31 dB -11.91 dB 2:41 08-There She Goes Again
DR10 -2.13 dB -15.35 dB 2:14 09-I'll Be Your Mirror
DR9 -2.11 dB -13.58 dB 3:12 10-The Black Angel's Death Song
DR8 -2.08 dB -12.23 dB 7:52 11-European Son
DR11 -1.45 dB -14.42 dB 5:58 12-All Tomorrow's Parties All Tomorrow's Parties (Alternate Single Voice Version)
DR9 -0.88 dB -12.26 dB 9:07 13-European Son (Alternate Version)
DR10 -0.67 dB -13.77 dB 6:18 14-Heroin (Alternate Version)
DR11 -1.39 dB -15.66 dB 5:52 15-All Tomorrow's Parties (Alternate Instrumental Mix)
DR10 -2.45 dB -14.34 dB 2:20 16-I'll Be Your Mirror (Alternate Mix)
Number of tracks: 16
Official DR value: DR9
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 761 kbps
Codec: FLAC
log date: 2013-01-22 16:20:58
Analyzed: The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD1
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR8 -3.02 dB -14.03 dB 2:56 01-Sunday Morning
DR8 -1.09 dB -10.97 dB 4:40 02-I'm Waiting For The Man
DR7 -3.40 dB -13.29 dB 2:39 03-Femme Fatale
DR10 -1.44 dB -13.54 dB 5:12 04-Venus In Furs
DR9 -2.16 dB -14.49 dB 4:22 05-Run Run Run
DR10 -1.81 dB -15.08 dB 6:00 06-All Tomorrow's Parties
DR10 -0.96 dB -14.51 dB 7:14 07-Heroin
DR9 -1.31 dB -11.91 dB 2:41 08-There She Goes Again
DR10 -2.13 dB -15.35 dB 2:14 09-I'll Be Your Mirror
DR9 -2.11 dB -13.58 dB 3:12 10-The Black Angel's Death Song
DR8 -2.08 dB -12.23 dB 7:52 11-European Son
DR11 -1.45 dB -14.42 dB 5:58 12-All Tomorrow's Parties All Tomorrow's Parties (Alternate Single Voice Version)
DR9 -0.88 dB -12.26 dB 9:07 13-European Son (Alternate Version)
DR10 -0.67 dB -13.77 dB 6:18 14-Heroin (Alternate Version)
DR11 -1.39 dB -15.66 dB 5:52 15-All Tomorrow's Parties (Alternate Instrumental Mix)
DR10 -2.45 dB -14.34 dB 2:20 16-I'll Be Your Mirror (Alternate Mix)
Number of tracks: 16
Official DR value: DR9
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 761 kbps
Codec: FLAC
Tracklist CD2:
he Velvet Underground & Nico (Mono Version)
Originally issued as Verve V-5008, March 1967.
01. Sunday Morning 02:55
02. I'm Waiting For The Man 04:46
03. Femme Fatale 02:38
04. Venus In Furs 05:13
05. Run Run Run 04:24
06. All Tomorrow's Parties 06:00
07. Heroin 07:14
08. There She Goes Again 02:41
09. I'll Be Your Mirror 02:14
10. The Black Angel's Death Song 03:13
11. European Son 07:57
The Singles:
12. All Tomorrow's Parties (Mono Single) 02:51
13. I'll Be Your Mirror (Mono Single - Alternate Ending) 02:18
14. Sunday Morning (Mono Single - Alternate Mix) 03:13
15. Femme Fatale (Mono Single) 02:37
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 20. December 2012, 20:05
The Velvet Undeground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD2
Used drive : PLEXTOR BD-R PX-B950SA Adapter: 6 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:55.12 | 0 | 13136
2 | 2:55.12 | 4:46.09 | 13137 | 34595
3 | 7:41.21 | 2:38.29 | 34596 | 46474
4 | 10:19.50 | 5:13.29 | 46475 | 69978
5 | 15:33.04 | 4:24.18 | 69979 | 89796
6 | 19:57.22 | 6:00.17 | 89797 | 116813
7 | 25:57.39 | 7:14.17 | 116814 | 149380
8 | 33:11.56 | 2:41.19 | 149381 | 161474
9 | 35:53.00 | 2:14.43 | 161475 | 171567
10 | 38:07.43 | 3:13.48 | 171568 | 186090
11 | 41:21.16 | 7:57.56 | 186091 | 221921
12 | 49:18.72 | 2:51.44 | 221922 | 234790
13 | 52:10.41 | 2:18.05 | 234791 | 245145
14 | 54:28.46 | 3:13.22 | 245146 | 259642
15 | 57:41.68 | 2:37.17 | 259643 | 271434
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Users\Meijin\Desktop\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\The Velvet Underground\1967 The Velvet Underground & Nico (6 SHM-CD Box Set Universal Music Japan 2012)\Disc 2\The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD2.wav
Peak level 96.8 %
Extraction speed 3.3 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 9E16A023
Copy CRC 9E16A023
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [7F53DD2A] (AR v1)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [391C0447] (AR v1)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [F16590C4] (AR v1)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [9C9ADA5B] (AR v1)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [68523719] (AR v1)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [CE0E8669] (AR v1)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [B254C43D] (AR v1)
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C5873A90] (AR v1)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [90A88E4A] (AR v1)
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [CB36FEFB] (AR v1)
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [0FD886AE] (AR v1)
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [66A67569] (AR v1)
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [D146D4AA] (AR v1)
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [F7F5242A] (AR v1)
Track 15 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [76283C05], AccurateRip returned [F3560FE3] (AR v2)
14 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum EC205FF23A57D780DACEE7E675467FF8349B37B584FFD17BED73AB08C04A1BEE ====
EAC extraction logfile from 20. December 2012, 20:05
The Velvet Undeground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD2
Used drive : PLEXTOR BD-R PX-B950SA Adapter: 6 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:55.12 | 0 | 13136
2 | 2:55.12 | 4:46.09 | 13137 | 34595
3 | 7:41.21 | 2:38.29 | 34596 | 46474
4 | 10:19.50 | 5:13.29 | 46475 | 69978
5 | 15:33.04 | 4:24.18 | 69979 | 89796
6 | 19:57.22 | 6:00.17 | 89797 | 116813
7 | 25:57.39 | 7:14.17 | 116814 | 149380
8 | 33:11.56 | 2:41.19 | 149381 | 161474
9 | 35:53.00 | 2:14.43 | 161475 | 171567
10 | 38:07.43 | 3:13.48 | 171568 | 186090
11 | 41:21.16 | 7:57.56 | 186091 | 221921
12 | 49:18.72 | 2:51.44 | 221922 | 234790
13 | 52:10.41 | 2:18.05 | 234791 | 245145
14 | 54:28.46 | 3:13.22 | 245146 | 259642
15 | 57:41.68 | 2:37.17 | 259643 | 271434
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Users\Meijin\Desktop\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\The Velvet Underground\1967 The Velvet Underground & Nico (6 SHM-CD Box Set Universal Music Japan 2012)\Disc 2\The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD2.wav
Peak level 96.8 %
Extraction speed 3.3 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 9E16A023
Copy CRC 9E16A023
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [7F53DD2A] (AR v1)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [391C0447] (AR v1)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [F16590C4] (AR v1)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [9C9ADA5B] (AR v1)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [68523719] (AR v1)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [CE0E8669] (AR v1)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [B254C43D] (AR v1)
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C5873A90] (AR v1)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [90A88E4A] (AR v1)
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [CB36FEFB] (AR v1)
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [0FD886AE] (AR v1)
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [66A67569] (AR v1)
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [D146D4AA] (AR v1)
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [F7F5242A] (AR v1)
Track 15 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [76283C05], AccurateRip returned [F3560FE3] (AR v2)
14 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum EC205FF23A57D780DACEE7E675467FF8349B37B584FFD17BED73AB08C04A1BEE ====
AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - [email protected]
Path: …\Disc 2 - flac
1 -=- The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD2.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
Path: …\Disc 2 - flac
1 -=- The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD2.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
foobar2000 1.1.18 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2013-01-22 16:21:31
Analyzed: The Velvet Undeground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD2
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR9 -1.17 dB -12.52 dB 2:55 01-Sunday Morning
DR9 -1.69 dB -12.69 dB 4:46 02-I'm Waiting For The Man
DR8 -1.25 dB -11.70 dB 2:38 03-Femme Fatale
DR10 -1.62 dB -12.78 dB 5:13 04-Venus In Furs
DR10 -0.28 dB -13.87 dB 4:24 05-Run Run Run
DR10 -1.31 dB -13.32 dB 6:00 06-All Tomorrow's Parties
DR9 -1.28 dB -13.81 dB 7:14 07-Heroin
DR8 -1.78 dB -11.74 dB 2:41 08-There She Goes Again
DR8 -1.20 dB -12.10 dB 2:15 09-I'll Be Your Mirror
DR10 -0.74 dB -13.14 dB 3:14 10-The Black Angel's Death Song
DR9 -1.29 dB -12.67 dB 7:58 11-European Son
DR9 -2.54 dB -12.59 dB 2:52 12-All Tomorrow's Parties / The Singles
DR8 -1.05 dB -12.11 dB 2:18 13-I'll Be Your Mirror / The Singles
DR9 -1.72 dB -12.49 dB 3:13 14-Sunday Morning / The Singles
DR7 -1.14 dB -11.98 dB 2:37 15-Femme Fatale / The Singles
Number of tracks: 15
Official DR value: DR9
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 456 kbps
Codec: FLAC
log date: 2013-01-22 16:21:31
Analyzed: The Velvet Undeground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD2
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR9 -1.17 dB -12.52 dB 2:55 01-Sunday Morning
DR9 -1.69 dB -12.69 dB 4:46 02-I'm Waiting For The Man
DR8 -1.25 dB -11.70 dB 2:38 03-Femme Fatale
DR10 -1.62 dB -12.78 dB 5:13 04-Venus In Furs
DR10 -0.28 dB -13.87 dB 4:24 05-Run Run Run
DR10 -1.31 dB -13.32 dB 6:00 06-All Tomorrow's Parties
DR9 -1.28 dB -13.81 dB 7:14 07-Heroin
DR8 -1.78 dB -11.74 dB 2:41 08-There She Goes Again
DR8 -1.20 dB -12.10 dB 2:15 09-I'll Be Your Mirror
DR10 -0.74 dB -13.14 dB 3:14 10-The Black Angel's Death Song
DR9 -1.29 dB -12.67 dB 7:58 11-European Son
DR9 -2.54 dB -12.59 dB 2:52 12-All Tomorrow's Parties / The Singles
DR8 -1.05 dB -12.11 dB 2:18 13-I'll Be Your Mirror / The Singles
DR9 -1.72 dB -12.49 dB 3:13 14-Sunday Morning / The Singles
DR7 -1.14 dB -11.98 dB 2:37 15-Femme Fatale / The Singles
Number of tracks: 15
Official DR value: DR9
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 456 kbps
Codec: FLAC
Tracklist CD3:
Nico: Chelsea Girl
Originally issued as Verve V6-5032, October 1967.
01. The Fairest Of The Seasons 04:10
02. These Days 03:34
03. Little Sister 04:27
04. Winter Song 03:20
05. It Was A Pleasure Then 08:06
06. Chelsea Girls 07:27
07. I'll Keep It With Mine 03:21
08. Somewhere There's A Feather 02:20
09. Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams 05:10
10. Eulogy To Lenny Bruce 03:46
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 20. December 2012, 18:55
The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Underground & Nico CD3
Used drive : PLEXTOR BD-R PX-B950SA Adapter: 6 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:10.51 | 0 | 18800
2 | 4:10.51 | 3:34.35 | 18801 | 34885
3 | 7:45.11 | 4:27.05 | 34886 | 54915
4 | 12:12.16 | 3:20.39 | 54916 | 69954
5 | 15:32.55 | 8:06.28 | 69955 | 106432
6 | 23:39.08 | 7:27.13 | 106433 | 139970
7 | 31:06.21 | 3:21.49 | 139971 | 155094
8 | 34:27.70 | 2:20.15 | 155095 | 165609
9 | 36:48.10 | 5:10.37 | 165610 | 188896
10 | 41:58.47 | 3:46.30 | 188897 | 205876
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Users\Meijin\Desktop\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\The Velvet Underground\1967 The Velvet Underground & Nico (6 SHM-CD Box Set Universal Music Japan 2012)\Disc 3\The Velvet Underground & Nico CD3.wav
Peak level 95.7 %
Extraction speed 3.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC BEE63056
Copy CRC BEE63056
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [9DCF059B] (AR v1)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [187422D2] (AR v1)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C197B166] (AR v1)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [386304F4] (AR v1)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [B899BF5F] (AR v1)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [396C913C] (AR v1)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [5C796552] (AR v1)
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [0C442DC9] (AR v1)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [BB9AA262] (AR v1)
Track 10 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [EB776A6C], AccurateRip returned [F9F9FD52] (AR v2)
9 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum C302FE6C18A5E238F02CB55854E524CEC282DAC9514C1FD969DF642B732DA8A9 ====
EAC extraction logfile from 20. December 2012, 18:55
The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Underground & Nico CD3
Used drive : PLEXTOR BD-R PX-B950SA Adapter: 6 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:10.51 | 0 | 18800
2 | 4:10.51 | 3:34.35 | 18801 | 34885
3 | 7:45.11 | 4:27.05 | 34886 | 54915
4 | 12:12.16 | 3:20.39 | 54916 | 69954
5 | 15:32.55 | 8:06.28 | 69955 | 106432
6 | 23:39.08 | 7:27.13 | 106433 | 139970
7 | 31:06.21 | 3:21.49 | 139971 | 155094
8 | 34:27.70 | 2:20.15 | 155095 | 165609
9 | 36:48.10 | 5:10.37 | 165610 | 188896
10 | 41:58.47 | 3:46.30 | 188897 | 205876
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Users\Meijin\Desktop\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\The Velvet Underground\1967 The Velvet Underground & Nico (6 SHM-CD Box Set Universal Music Japan 2012)\Disc 3\The Velvet Underground & Nico CD3.wav
Peak level 95.7 %
Extraction speed 3.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC BEE63056
Copy CRC BEE63056
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [9DCF059B] (AR v1)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [187422D2] (AR v1)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C197B166] (AR v1)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [386304F4] (AR v1)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [B899BF5F] (AR v1)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [396C913C] (AR v1)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [5C796552] (AR v1)
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [0C442DC9] (AR v1)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [BB9AA262] (AR v1)
Track 10 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [EB776A6C], AccurateRip returned [F9F9FD52] (AR v2)
9 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum C302FE6C18A5E238F02CB55854E524CEC282DAC9514C1FD969DF642B732DA8A9 ====
AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - [email protected]
Path: …\Disc 3 - flac
1 -=- The Velvet Underground & Nico CD3.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
Path: …\Disc 3 - flac
1 -=- The Velvet Underground & Nico CD3.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
foobar2000 1.1.18 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2013-01-22 16:20:02
Analyzed: The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Underground & Nico CD3
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR9 -1.82 dB -13.44 dB 4:11 01-The Fairest Of The Seasons
DR10 -1.61 dB -13.56 dB 3:34 02-These Days
DR9 -1.13 dB -12.60 dB 4:27 03-Little Sister
DR7 -2.52 dB -12.48 dB 3:21 04-Winter Song
DR10 -0.37 dB -15.49 dB 8:06 05-It Was A Pleasure Then
DR10 -2.09 dB -14.43 dB 7:27 06-Chelsea Girls
DR9 -1.62 dB -13.35 dB 3:22 07-I'll Keep It With Mine
DR9 -1.71 dB -12.80 dB 2:20 08-Somewhere There's A Feather
DR10 -1.13 dB -13.69 dB 5:10 09-Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams
DR12 -1.46 dB -19.24 dB 3:46 10-Eulogy To Lenny Bruce
Number of tracks: 10
Official DR value: DR9
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 728 kbps
Codec: FLAC
log date: 2013-01-22 16:20:02
Analyzed: The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Underground & Nico CD3
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR9 -1.82 dB -13.44 dB 4:11 01-The Fairest Of The Seasons
DR10 -1.61 dB -13.56 dB 3:34 02-These Days
DR9 -1.13 dB -12.60 dB 4:27 03-Little Sister
DR7 -2.52 dB -12.48 dB 3:21 04-Winter Song
DR10 -0.37 dB -15.49 dB 8:06 05-It Was A Pleasure Then
DR10 -2.09 dB -14.43 dB 7:27 06-Chelsea Girls
DR9 -1.62 dB -13.35 dB 3:22 07-I'll Keep It With Mine
DR9 -1.71 dB -12.80 dB 2:20 08-Somewhere There's A Feather
DR10 -1.13 dB -13.69 dB 5:10 09-Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams
DR12 -1.46 dB -19.24 dB 3:46 10-Eulogy To Lenny Bruce
Number of tracks: 10
Official DR value: DR9
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 728 kbps
Codec: FLAC
Tracklist CD4:
Scepter Studios Sessions:
Acetate cut on April 25, 1966.
01. European Son (Alternate Version) 09:02
02. Black Angel's Death Song (Alternate Mix) 03:15
03. All Tomorrow's Parties (Alternate Version) 05:53
04. I'll Be Your Mirror (Alternate Version) 02:11
05. Heroin (Alternate Version) 06:16
06. Femme Fatale (Alternate Mix) 02:35
07. Venus In Furs (Alternate Version) 04:29
08. Waiting For The Man (Alternate Version) 04:10
09. Run Run Run (Alternate Mix) 04:23
The Factory Rehearsals:
January 3, 1966 rehearsal, previously unreleased.
10. Walk Alone 03:27
11. Crackin' Up / Venus In Furs 03:52
12. Miss Joanie Lee 11:49
13. Heroin 06:15
14. There She Goes Again (with Nico) 02:09
15. There She Goes Again 02:55
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 20. December 2012, 14:05
The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Underground & Nico CD4
Used drive : PLEXTOR BD-R PX-B950SA Adapter: 6 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 9:02.41 | 0 | 40690
2 | 9:02.41 | 3:15.73 | 40691 | 55388
3 | 12:18.39 | 5:53.62 | 55389 | 81925
4 | 18:12.26 | 2:11.10 | 81926 | 91760
5 | 20:23.36 | 6:16.45 | 91761 | 120005
6 | 26:40.06 | 2:35.68 | 120006 | 131698
7 | 29:15.74 | 4:29.35 | 131699 | 151908
8 | 33:45.34 | 4:10.07 | 151909 | 170665
9 | 37:55.41 | 4:23.53 | 170666 | 190443
10 | 42:19.19 | 3:27.63 | 190444 | 206031
11 | 45:47.07 | 3:52.72 | 206032 | 223503
12 | 49:40.04 | 11:49.64 | 223504 | 276742
13 | 61:29.68 | 6:15.09 | 276743 | 304876
14 | 67:45.02 | 2:09.31 | 304877 | 314582
15 | 69:54.33 | 2:55.41 | 314583 | 327748
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Users\Meijin\Desktop\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\The Velvet Underground\1967 The Velvet Underground & Nico (6 SHM-CD Box Set Universal Music Japan 2012)\Disc 4\The Velvet Underground & Nico CD4.wav
Peak level 91.7 %
Extraction speed 4.0 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 20B7DFA3
Copy CRC 20B7DFA3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [FAF98B37] (AR v1)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [FC505E41] (AR v1)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [A9175D23] (AR v1)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [FB9EEBB0] (AR v1)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [B243B5B1] (AR v1)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [84C23693] (AR v1)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [0074D8C4] (AR v1)
Track 8 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [067BB770], AccurateRip returned [79F5EC04] (AR v2)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [BF56C761] (AR v1)
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [D3ECD67B] (AR v1)
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [F05D6687] (AR v1)
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [CBDC245B] (AR v1)
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [4256096C] (AR v1)
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [74AE84FA] (AR v1)
Track 15 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [12575AE5], AccurateRip returned [654AB242] (AR v2)
13 track(s) accurately ripped
2 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum 7557E38664CBD38BB7FC36F855BBC9384C176A9FD054B43F070A57EC5853D150 ====
EAC extraction logfile from 20. December 2012, 14:05
The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Underground & Nico CD4
Used drive : PLEXTOR BD-R PX-B950SA Adapter: 6 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 9:02.41 | 0 | 40690
2 | 9:02.41 | 3:15.73 | 40691 | 55388
3 | 12:18.39 | 5:53.62 | 55389 | 81925
4 | 18:12.26 | 2:11.10 | 81926 | 91760
5 | 20:23.36 | 6:16.45 | 91761 | 120005
6 | 26:40.06 | 2:35.68 | 120006 | 131698
7 | 29:15.74 | 4:29.35 | 131699 | 151908
8 | 33:45.34 | 4:10.07 | 151909 | 170665
9 | 37:55.41 | 4:23.53 | 170666 | 190443
10 | 42:19.19 | 3:27.63 | 190444 | 206031
11 | 45:47.07 | 3:52.72 | 206032 | 223503
12 | 49:40.04 | 11:49.64 | 223504 | 276742
13 | 61:29.68 | 6:15.09 | 276743 | 304876
14 | 67:45.02 | 2:09.31 | 304877 | 314582
15 | 69:54.33 | 2:55.41 | 314583 | 327748
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Users\Meijin\Desktop\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\The Velvet Underground\1967 The Velvet Underground & Nico (6 SHM-CD Box Set Universal Music Japan 2012)\Disc 4\The Velvet Underground & Nico CD4.wav
Peak level 91.7 %
Extraction speed 4.0 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 20B7DFA3
Copy CRC 20B7DFA3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [FAF98B37] (AR v1)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [FC505E41] (AR v1)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [A9175D23] (AR v1)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [FB9EEBB0] (AR v1)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [B243B5B1] (AR v1)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [84C23693] (AR v1)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [0074D8C4] (AR v1)
Track 8 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [067BB770], AccurateRip returned [79F5EC04] (AR v2)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [BF56C761] (AR v1)
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [D3ECD67B] (AR v1)
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [F05D6687] (AR v1)
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [CBDC245B] (AR v1)
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [4256096C] (AR v1)
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [74AE84FA] (AR v1)
Track 15 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [12575AE5], AccurateRip returned [654AB242] (AR v2)
13 track(s) accurately ripped
2 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum 7557E38664CBD38BB7FC36F855BBC9384C176A9FD054B43F070A57EC5853D150 ====
AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - [email protected]
Path: …\Disc 4 - flac
1 -=- The Velvet Underground & Nico CD4.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
Path: …\Disc 4 - flac
1 -=- The Velvet Underground & Nico CD4.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
foobar2000 1.1.18 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2013-01-22 16:22:09
Analyzed: The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Underground & Nico CD4
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR10 -1.72 dB -13.18 dB 9:03 01-European Son (Alternate Version)
DR11 -1.00 dB -13.28 dB 3:16 02-Black Angel's Death Song (Alternate Mix)
DR10 -1.05 dB -13.63 dB 5:54 03-All Tomorrow's Parties (Alternate Version)
DR7 -4.41 dB -13.74 dB 2:11 04-I'll Be Your Mirror (Alternate Version)
DR9 -0.88 dB -12.55 dB 6:17 05-Heroin (Alternate Version)
DR10 -0.74 dB -13.15 dB 2:36 06-Femme Fatale (Alternate Mix)
DR11 -1.10 dB -13.61 dB 4:29 07-Venus In Furs (Alternate Version)
DR9 -2.90 dB -12.32 dB 4:10 08-Waiting For The Man (Alternate Version)
DR11 -0.84 dB -13.88 dB 4:24 09-Run Run Run (Alternate Mix)
DR11 -3.76 dB -17.63 dB 3:28 10-Walk Alone (Previously Unreleased)
DR10 -3.85 dB -14.84 dB 3:53 11-Crackin' Up / Venus In Furs (Previously Unreleased)
DR10 -3.43 dB -14.61 dB 11:50 12-Miss Joanie Lee (Previously Unreleased)
DR10 -3.45 dB -16.51 dB 6:15 13-Heroin (Previously Unreleased)
DR11 -2.51 dB -14.82 dB 2:09 14-There She Goes Again / with Nico (Previously Unreleased)
DR11 -4.49 dB -16.88 dB 2:56 15-There She Goes Again (Previously Unreleased)
Number of tracks: 15
Official DR value: DR10
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 703 kbps
Codec: FLAC
log date: 2013-01-22 16:22:09
Analyzed: The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Underground & Nico CD4
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR10 -1.72 dB -13.18 dB 9:03 01-European Son (Alternate Version)
DR11 -1.00 dB -13.28 dB 3:16 02-Black Angel's Death Song (Alternate Mix)
DR10 -1.05 dB -13.63 dB 5:54 03-All Tomorrow's Parties (Alternate Version)
DR7 -4.41 dB -13.74 dB 2:11 04-I'll Be Your Mirror (Alternate Version)
DR9 -0.88 dB -12.55 dB 6:17 05-Heroin (Alternate Version)
DR10 -0.74 dB -13.15 dB 2:36 06-Femme Fatale (Alternate Mix)
DR11 -1.10 dB -13.61 dB 4:29 07-Venus In Furs (Alternate Version)
DR9 -2.90 dB -12.32 dB 4:10 08-Waiting For The Man (Alternate Version)
DR11 -0.84 dB -13.88 dB 4:24 09-Run Run Run (Alternate Mix)
DR11 -3.76 dB -17.63 dB 3:28 10-Walk Alone (Previously Unreleased)
DR10 -3.85 dB -14.84 dB 3:53 11-Crackin' Up / Venus In Furs (Previously Unreleased)
DR10 -3.43 dB -14.61 dB 11:50 12-Miss Joanie Lee (Previously Unreleased)
DR10 -3.45 dB -16.51 dB 6:15 13-Heroin (Previously Unreleased)
DR11 -2.51 dB -14.82 dB 2:09 14-There She Goes Again / with Nico (Previously Unreleased)
DR11 -4.49 dB -16.88 dB 2:56 15-There She Goes Again (Previously Unreleased)
Number of tracks: 15
Official DR value: DR10
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 703 kbps
Codec: FLAC
Tracklist CD5:
Live At Valleydale Ballroom, Columbus, Ohio, November 4, 1966:
01. Melody Laughter 28:26
02. Femme Fatale 02:37
03. Venus In Furs 04:45
04. Black Angel's Death Song 04:49
05. All Tomorrow's Parties 05:03
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 20. December 2012, 13:00
The Velvet Undeground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD5
Used drive : PLEXTOR BD-R PX-B950SA Adapter: 6 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 28:26.54 | 0 | 128003
2 | 28:26.54 | 2:37.25 | 128004 | 139803
3 | 31:04.04 | 4:45.46 | 139804 | 161224
4 | 35:49.50 | 4:49.13 | 161225 | 182912
5 | 40:38.63 | 5:03.26 | 182913 | 205663
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Users\Meijin\Desktop\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\The Velvet Underground\1967 The Velvet Underground & Nico (6 SHM-CD Box Set Universal Music Japan 2012)\Disc 5\The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD5.wav
Peak level 85.4 %
Extraction speed 3.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC FA8507A4
Copy CRC FA8507A4
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [B7D3995A] (AR v1)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [FACFC460] (AR v1)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [45B6153D] (AR v1)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C8B765A6] (AR v1)
Track 5 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [7D16E594], AccurateRip returned [37EB33C9] (AR v2)
4 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum 3F9F694B06E42FA1D2DBD6E216712D51E9BCC5C023F4D5CED893FA49AB370897 ====
EAC extraction logfile from 20. December 2012, 13:00
The Velvet Undeground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD5
Used drive : PLEXTOR BD-R PX-B950SA Adapter: 6 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 28:26.54 | 0 | 128003
2 | 28:26.54 | 2:37.25 | 128004 | 139803
3 | 31:04.04 | 4:45.46 | 139804 | 161224
4 | 35:49.50 | 4:49.13 | 161225 | 182912
5 | 40:38.63 | 5:03.26 | 182913 | 205663
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Users\Meijin\Desktop\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\The Velvet Underground\1967 The Velvet Underground & Nico (6 SHM-CD Box Set Universal Music Japan 2012)\Disc 5\The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD5.wav
Peak level 85.4 %
Extraction speed 3.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC FA8507A4
Copy CRC FA8507A4
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [B7D3995A] (AR v1)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [FACFC460] (AR v1)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [45B6153D] (AR v1)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C8B765A6] (AR v1)
Track 5 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [7D16E594], AccurateRip returned [37EB33C9] (AR v2)
4 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum 3F9F694B06E42FA1D2DBD6E216712D51E9BCC5C023F4D5CED893FA49AB370897 ====
AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - [email protected]
Path: …\Disc 5 - flac
1 -=- The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD5.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
Path: …\Disc 5 - flac
1 -=- The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD5.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
foobar2000 1.1.18 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2013-01-22 16:22:38
Analyzed: The Velvet Undeground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD5
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR9 -1.77 dB -14.56 dB 28:27 01-Melody Laughter
DR10 -1.51 dB -14.08 dB 2:37 02-Femme Fatale
DR14 -1.83 dB -17.24 dB 4:46 03-Venus In Furs
DR12 -1.36 dB -16.65 dB 4:49 04-The Black Angel's Death Song
DR12 -1.80 dB -14.47 dB 5:03 05-All Tomorrow's Parties
Number of tracks: 5
Official DR value: DR11
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 456 kbps
Codec: FLAC
log date: 2013-01-22 16:22:38
Analyzed: The Velvet Undeground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD5
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR9 -1.77 dB -14.56 dB 28:27 01-Melody Laughter
DR10 -1.51 dB -14.08 dB 2:37 02-Femme Fatale
DR14 -1.83 dB -17.24 dB 4:46 03-Venus In Furs
DR12 -1.36 dB -16.65 dB 4:49 04-The Black Angel's Death Song
DR12 -1.80 dB -14.47 dB 5:03 05-All Tomorrow's Parties
Number of tracks: 5
Official DR value: DR11
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 456 kbps
Codec: FLAC
Tracklist CD6:
Live At Valleydale Ballroom, Columbus, Ohio:
01. Waiting For The Man 04:50
02. Heroin 06:42
03. Run Run Run 08:43
04. The Nothing Song 27:56
Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011
EAC extraction logfile from 20. December 2012, 12:12
The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD6
Used drive : PLEXTOR BD-R PX-B950SA Adapter: 6 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:50.60 | 0 | 21809
2 | 4:50.60 | 6:42.69 | 21810 | 52028
3 | 11:33.54 | 8:43.41 | 52029 | 91294
4 | 20:17.20 | 27:56.65 | 91295 | 217059
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Users\Meijin\Desktop\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\The Velvet Underground\1967 The Velvet Underground & Nico (6 SHM-CD Box Set Universal Music Japan 2012)\Disc 6\The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD6.wav
Peak level 81.3 %
Extraction speed 3.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 7F6964D3
Copy CRC 7F6964D3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [D1C252DC] (AR v1)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [487A47FE] (AR v1)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [20F55BCF] (AR v1)
Track 4 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [CB16014F], AccurateRip returned [1351BB72] (AR v2)
3 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum AA5C038FC771F3AE898F384EE8DA37C8A67FD12E666C6D54A22B0BAB0D57E94C ====
EAC extraction logfile from 20. December 2012, 12:12
The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD6
Used drive : PLEXTOR BD-R PX-B950SA Adapter: 6 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:50.60 | 0 | 21809
2 | 4:50.60 | 6:42.69 | 21810 | 52028
3 | 11:33.54 | 8:43.41 | 52029 | 91294
4 | 20:17.20 | 27:56.65 | 91295 | 217059
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Users\Meijin\Desktop\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\The Velvet Underground\1967 The Velvet Underground & Nico (6 SHM-CD Box Set Universal Music Japan 2012)\Disc 6\The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD6.wav
Peak level 81.3 %
Extraction speed 3.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 7F6964D3
Copy CRC 7F6964D3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [D1C252DC] (AR v1)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [487A47FE] (AR v1)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [20F55BCF] (AR v1)
Track 4 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1) [CB16014F], AccurateRip returned [1351BB72] (AR v2)
3 track(s) accurately ripped
1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate
Some tracks could not be verified as accurate
End of status report
==== Log checksum AA5C038FC771F3AE898F384EE8DA37C8A67FD12E666C6D54A22B0BAB0D57E94C ====
AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - [email protected]
Path: …\Disc 6 - flac
1 -=- The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD6.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
Path: …\Disc 6 - flac
1 -=- The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD6.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
foobar2000 1.1.18 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2013-01-22 16:23:16
Analyzed: The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD6
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR10 -1.80 dB -14.62 dB 4:51 01-I'm Waiting For The Man
DR10 -1.82 dB -13.50 dB 6:43 02-Heroin
DR10 -1.85 dB -14.37 dB 8:44 03-Run Run Run
DR13 -1.83 dB -17.39 dB 27:57 04-The Nothing Song
Number of tracks: 4
Official DR value: DR11
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 426 kbps
Codec: FLAC
log date: 2013-01-22 16:23:16
Analyzed: The Velvet Underground & Nico / The Velvet Undeground & Nico CD6
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR10 -1.80 dB -14.62 dB 4:51 01-I'm Waiting For The Man
DR10 -1.82 dB -13.50 dB 6:43 02-Heroin
DR10 -1.85 dB -14.37 dB 8:44 03-Run Run Run
DR13 -1.83 dB -17.39 dB 27:57 04-The Nothing Song
Number of tracks: 4
Official DR value: DR11
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 426 kbps
Codec: FLAC
All thanks go to ALLexxess
The Velvet Underground & Nico: 45th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition (2012):