Pavlo Beznosiuk - Johann Jakob Walther: Scherzi; Johann Paul Westhoff: Suites (2000)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 345 Mb | Total time: 69:04 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Etcetera Records | KTC 1224 | Recorded: 1999
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 345 Mb | Total time: 69:04 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Etcetera Records | KTC 1224 | Recorded: 1999
In what Et’cetera has described as Volume I, Pavlo Beznosiuk couples three of Westhoff’s suites for solo violin from 1696 with six items from Walther’s scherzos from 1676. His program opens with Walther’s Sonata VIII, offering a startling initial barrage of signature chords and double-stops, giving way to flurries of rapid notes and studded with brilliant staccatos, beside which the demands of Corelli’s solos about a generation later pale, and the Sonata closes with fireworks that make a greater cumulative effect than the works of Locatelli, often identified as the precursor of Paganini’s technical demands. Although Walther’s more capricious melodic designs sound more crabbed than Corelli’s more serenely logical patterns, sections sound related closely enough to the Italian bel canto that when I brought Walther’s Scherzi d’augelli con il cuccu from 1688 to Carroll Glenn, she immediately noted its Italian influence (given a sunny lilt, it should be apparent here in the opening of Walther’s Sonata VI). Walther’s writing for the solo violin surely precedes Bach, though Peter Holman mentions in the notes that no evidence for a connection has ever been found. Still, Westhoff’s explicitly polyphonic lines, pervading all the movements, foreshadow the most complex passages in Bach’s fugues, and the chromaticism with which he interlaced the passagework in the Gigue (as Holman points out, the solo suites all follow the typical pattern of Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, and Gigue—each of Walther’s sonatas in the program, on the other hand, divides into sections rather than into movements) seem also to look a bit forward, though Corelli and others employed chromatic subjects before Bach did.
Sonatas and shorter passages like the one in imitation of the cuckoo seem to have been common at the time—Andrew Manze played one by Schmelzer in his collection on Harmonia Mundi 907143, 20: 2—perhaps because the bariolage allowed a clever imitation of it. Like its counterpart in Hortulus chelicus , this one explores various ways of embedding a minor third in double-stops, string crossings, and in melodic as well as arpeggiated patterns. But the patterns don’t so overwhelm the materials that they extinguish musical interest. As in the rest of the program, the ensemble plays this Sonata with greater virtuosity than imagination, yet the work itself supplies in abundance any deficiency in the performance.
Throughout, Pavlo Beznosiuk produces from his Markus Stainer violin from about 1690 a tone that’s neither consistently reedy in the ancient manner nor consistently steely in the modern one—nor especially ingratiating overall. His technical command enables him to encompass all the considerable difficulties the scores pose, making them sound easy rather than especially brilliant. (And Beznosiuk has taken an active role in preparing these works: the production notes identify him has having completed Westhoff’s Sixth Suite, since the last page of the work has been lost.) Perhaps the missing element might be described as fantasy of the kind that Andrew Manze brought in such abundance to the music of Biber and Schmelzer. Still, with colorful if not wildly—or even widely—varied continuo support, balanced and clear recorded sound, excellent notes, and impressive virtuosity of the compositions themselves, Et’cetera’s set is easy to recommend, especially to those who enjoy tracing the origins of Bach’s violin-playing and to those who simply wish to be astonished.–Robert Maxham
Pavlo Beznosiuk, violin
Paula Chateauneuf, theorbo
Richard Tunnicliffe, bass viol
Timothy Roberts, harpsichord
Johann Jakob Walther (c.1650-1717)
01. Sonata VIII in C 08:08
Johann Paul Westhoff (1656-1705)
Suite I in a minor
02. Allemande
03. Courante
04. Sarabande
05. Gigue
Johann Jakob Walther
06. Sonata IX in D
07. Sonata VI in B flat
Johann Paul Westhoff
Suite VI in D
08. Allemande
09. Courante
10. Sarabande
11. Gigue
Johann Jakob Walther
12. Aria in e minor
13. Sonata VII in A
Johann Paul Westhoff
Suite IV in C
14. Allemande
15. Courante
16. Sarabande
17. Gigue
Johann Jakob Walther
18. Imitatione del Cuccu in G
Exact Audio Copy V1.1 from 23. June 2015
EAC extraction logfile from 14. July 2020, 15:29
Pavlo Beznosiuk / Walther, Westhoff - Scherzi, Suites
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18 | 61:01.20 | 8:01.52 | 274595 | 310721
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Filename Q:\Music\KTC1224\Pavlo Beznosiuk - Walther, Westhoff - Scherzi, Suites.wav
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AccurateRip summary
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Thanks to the original releaser