Jürgen Budday, Hannoversche Hofkapelle, Maulbronner Kammerchor - George Frideric Handel: Solomon (2004)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 610 Mb | Total time: 70:19+75:02 | Scans included
Classical | Label: K&K | # KuK 73 | Recorded: 2003
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 610 Mb | Total time: 70:19+75:02 | Scans included
Classical | Label: K&K | # KuK 73 | Recorded: 2003
The series of recordings of the Abbey of Maulbronn is prolific, and after a very good Messiah, we arrive now Solomon, another oratorio of Haendel. Solomon is a rather fixed work, a single scene, that of the famous judgment, presenting a little bit of "action", but the music, powerful and refined, is the most inspired Handel, and the virtuoso treatment of the choruses reveals a incomparable mastery.
The strengths of this version are quite numerous, starting with the Maulbronner Kammerchor which has a lot to do in the act of the Queen of Sheba, and which seduces by its excellent behavior, a good mastery of polyphony and strong and very strong stamps. present. The chorus does not display the overall perfection of the best English formations, and some intonations are a little questionable, but it is largely catching up with the level of dramatic engagement and theatricality. The cast is dominated by the ladies: Nancy Argenta sings the role of the Egyptian Queen and then that of the real mother in the Scene of Judgment. She is virtuoso brilliant perfection but a little cold in Egyptian Queen, but knows how to find human and heartbreaking accents when she begs Solomon to spare his child.
Laurie Reviol does even better, very nice timbre shiny and a bit fragile in the treble, but a beautiful consistency in the medium: she is a very credible child cheater, green and cold, and it is even more convincing in Queen of Saba, giving a real singing lesson in the air "Ev'ry sight these eyes behold" which she says to delight. In the title role Michael Chance, who keeps a touching medium, but whose timbre has no color, the treble more accurately, and whose plaintive tone is really nothing royal. It is largely supplanted by the Zadok of the excellent Julian Podger, tenor style, vocalisation ensured and light and light timbre, which will be criticized some ascents to high enough perilous. The bass Stefen Balbach is a simple sidekick, the song is correct but too vibrated, and the voice, very gray, has little amplitude. Jurgen Budday conducts his excellent orchestra with his usual qualities: clarity, sensuality, and elegance, and great attention to the breathing of the soloists. The sound of this concert is remarkable, clear and airy, it helps to make this album a very recommendable version for who would like to discover this beautiful oratorio.–Richard Letawe
Solomon - Michael Chance, countertenor
Solomon’s Queen/First Harlot - Nancy Argenta, soprano
Queen of Sheba/ Second Harlot - Laurie Reviol, soprano
Zadok - Julian Podger, tenor
Levite - Steffen Balbach, bass
Maulbronner Kammerchor
Hannoversche Hofkapelle
Conductor - Jürgen Budday
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Solomon, HWV 67
01. Intrada - Overture
02. Act I. Scene 1. Chorus. Your harps and cymbals sound
03. Scene 1. Air. Praise ye the Lord for all his mercies past
04. Scene 1. Chorus. With pious heart resound your Maker's name
05. Scene 1. Recitative. Almighty pow'r, who rul'st the earth and skies
06. Scene 1. Recitative. Imperial Solomon, thy pray'rs are heard
07. Scene 1. Air. Sacred raptures cheer my breast
08. Scene 1. Chorus. Throughout the land Jehovah's praise
09. Scene 1. Recitative & Air. Bless'd be the Lord / What though I trace each herb and flow'r
10. Scene 2. Recitative. And see my Queen, my wedded love
11. Scene 2. Air. Bless'd the day when first my eyes
12. Scene 2. Recitative & Duet. Thou fair inhabitant of Nile / Welcome as the dawn of day
13. Scene 2. Recitative & Air. When thou art absent from my sight / With thee un'unshelter'd moo
14. Scene 2. Chorus. May no rash intruder disturb their soft hours
15. Act II. Scene 1. Chorus. From the center curling rise
16. Scene 1. Recitative & Air. Praise be the Lord / When the sun o'er yonder hills pours in tide
17. Scene 2. Recitative. My sovereign liege two women stand - Admit them straight / Scene 3
18. Scene 3. Air & Trio. Words are weak to paint my fears
01. Scene 3. Recitative. What says the other to th'imputed charge
02. Scene 3. Air. Thy sentence, great king, is prudent / Recitative. Withhold the executing hand
03. Scene 3. Air. Can I see my infant gor'd
04. Scene 3. Recitative. Israel, attend to what your king shall say
05. Scene 3. Duet. Thrice bless'd be the king for he's good and he's wise
06. Scene 3. Chorus. From the east unto the west
07. Scene 3. Recitative & Air. From morn to eve I could enraptur'd sing / See the tall palm that
08. Scene 3. Recitative & Air. No more shall armed bands our hopes destroy / Beneath the vine, o
09. Scene 3. Chorus. Swell, swell the full chorus to Solomon's praise
10. Act III. Sinfonia. The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
11. Recitative. From Arabia's spicy shores
12. Air. Ev'ry sight these eyes behold
13. Recitative & Air. Sweep, sweep the string, to sooth the royal fair / Music spread thy voice
14. Air. Now a diff'rent measure try / Shake the dome
15. Recitative. Then at once from rage remove / Draw the tear from hopeless love
16. Recitative & Air. Next the tortur'd soul release / Thus rolling surges rise
17. Recitative. Thy harmony's divine, great king
18. Air. Pious king, and virtuous queen
19. Recitative & Air. Thrice happy king, to have achiev'd / Golden columns, fair and bright
20. Chorus. Praise the Lord with harp and tongue
21. Recitative & Air. May peace in Salem ever dwell / Will the sun forget to streak
22. Recitative. Adieu, fair queen / Duet. Ev'ry joy that wisdom knows
23. Grand Chorus. The name of the wicked shall quickly be past
Exact Audio Copy V1.3 from 2. September 2016
EAC extraction logfile from 22. October 2018, 15:57
Michael Chance, Nancy Argenta, Laurie Reviol, Julian Podger, Steffen Balbach; Jurgen Budday / Handel - Solomon (Disc 1)
Used drive : ATAPI iHAS124 F Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -8 -V -T "TITLE=%title%" -T "ARTIST=%artist%" -T "ALBUMARTIST=%albumartist%" -T "ALBUM=%albumtitle%" -T "DATE=%year%" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%tracknr%" -T "TRACKTOTAL=%numtracks%" -T "GENRE=%genre%" -T "COMMENT=%comment%" -T "PERFORMER=%albuminterpret%" -T "COMPOSER=%composer%" %source% -o %dest%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:12.34 | 0 | 23433
2 | 5:12.34 | 3:24.58 | 23434 | 38791
3 | 8:37.17 | 4:41.28 | 38792 | 59894
4 | 13:18.45 | 5:16.08 | 59895 | 83602
5 | 18:34.53 | 2:58.62 | 83603 | 97014
6 | 21:33.40 | 0:43.26 | 97015 | 100265
7 | 22:16.66 | 4:18.43 | 100266 | 119658
8 | 26:35.34 | 3:19.46 | 119659 | 134629
9 | 29:55.05 | 6:28.65 | 134630 | 163794
10 | 36:23.70 | 0:42.41 | 163795 | 166985
11 | 37:06.36 | 5:00.10 | 166986 | 189495
12 | 42:06.46 | 4:40.50 | 189496 | 210545
13 | 46:47.21 | 2:43.66 | 210546 | 222836
14 | 49:31.12 | 3:09.30 | 222837 | 237041
15 | 52:40.42 | 5:02.13 | 237042 | 259704
16 | 57:42.55 | 5:14.27 | 259705 | 283281
17 | 62:57.07 | 1:47.49 | 283282 | 291355
18 | 64:44.56 | 5:34.54 | 291356 | 316459
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\EACRip\HANDEL\Handel - Solomon (Jurgen Budday) (2004)\CD1\Handel - Solomon (Disc 1) - Jurgen Budday.wav
Peak level 91.6 %
Extraction speed 7.6 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 11051041
Copy CRC 11051041
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [9DEF76CB] (AR v2)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [F7A252A1] (AR v2)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [6D163B09] (AR v2)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [66631425] (AR v2)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [E522A9D1] (AR v2)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [D418A6F4] (AR v2)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [34CCDE55] (AR v2)
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [7EABD8CE] (AR v2)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [B18315B6] (AR v2)
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [AF792827] (AR v2)
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [3E3071E2] (AR v2)
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [30EEE3C9] (AR v2)
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [A57141CD] (AR v2)
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [6EE1085C] (AR v2)
Track 15 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [6EFF68C8] (AR v2)
Track 16 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [8947093D] (AR v2)
Track 17 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [853BCBD6] (AR v2)
Track 18 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [DD1D0DB5] (AR v2)
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
–– CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.6
[CTDB TOCID: eDMh5sCNCZUMP.dM5PTEot3uv_w-] found
Submit result: eDMh5sCNCZUMP.dM5PTEot3uv_w- has been confirmed
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
2 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
3 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
4 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
5 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
6 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
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8 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
9 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
10 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
11 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
12 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
13 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
14 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
15 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
16 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
17 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
18 | (4/4) Accurately ripped
==== Log checksum 01C1EE579E6927FE5DEA84E30FBEC6BBCCA4FE59A5895D46F65199233A0BDD8C ====
Exact Audio Copy V1.3 from 2. September 2016
EAC extraction logfile from 22. October 2018, 16:50
Michael Chance, Nancy Argenta, Laurie Reviol, Julian Podger, Steffen Balbach; Jurgen Budday / Handel - Solomon (Disc 2)
Used drive : ATAPI iHAS124 F Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -8 -V -T "TITLE=%title%" -T "ARTIST=%artist%" -T "ALBUMARTIST=%albumartist%" -T "ALBUM=%albumtitle%" -T "DATE=%year%" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%tracknr%" -T "TRACKTOTAL=%numtracks%" -T "GENRE=%genre%" -T "COMMENT=%comment%" -T "PERFORMER=%albuminterpret%" -T "COMPOSER=%composer%" %source% -o %dest%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 1:23.61 | 0 | 6285
2 | 1:23.61 | 2:24.22 | 6286 | 17107
3 | 3:48.08 | 5:00.15 | 17108 | 39622
4 | 8:48.23 | 1:39.48 | 39623 | 47095
5 | 10:27.71 | 4:07.70 | 47096 | 65690
6 | 14:35.66 | 2:33.64 | 65691 | 77229
7 | 17:09.55 | 2:48.32 | 77230 | 89861
8 | 19:58.12 | 2:58.36 | 89862 | 103247
9 | 22:56.48 | 2:50.24 | 103248 | 116021
10 | 25:46.72 | 3:03.49 | 116022 | 129795
11 | 28:50.46 | 1:22.27 | 129796 | 135972
12 | 30:12.73 | 5:26.15 | 135973 | 160437
13 | 35:39.13 | 3:16.32 | 160438 | 175169
14 | 38:55.45 | 1:46.55 | 175170 | 183174
15 | 40:42.25 | 3:38.32 | 183175 | 199556
16 | 44:20.57 | 3:39.58 | 199557 | 216039
17 | 48:00.40 | 1:13.30 | 216040 | 221544
18 | 49:13.70 | 3:06.15 | 221545 | 235509
19 | 52:20.10 | 4:35.41 | 235510 | 256175
20 | 56:55.51 | 4:30.24 | 256176 | 276449
21 | 61:26.00 | 6:36.48 | 276450 | 306197
22 | 68:02.48 | 3:23.74 | 306198 | 321496
23 | 71:26.47 | 3:34.71 | 321497 | 337617
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\EACRip\HANDEL\Handel - Solomon (Jurgen Budday) (2004)\CD2\Handel - Solomon (Disc 2) - Jurgen Budday.wav
Peak level 91.2 %
Extraction speed 9.8 X
Range quality 99.9 %
Test CRC 1CBC434E
Copy CRC 1CBC434E
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [0AE7A210] (AR v2)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [1E67D6C7] (AR v2)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [BEBF08CA] (AR v2)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [AF4A4252] (AR v2)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [9AB7D927] (AR v2)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [AE0CC20D] (AR v2)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [DF778BB5] (AR v2)
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [951AC1B7] (AR v2)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [C97E4BD0] (AR v2)
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [A6C6E726] (AR v2)
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [01F1F66F] (AR v2)
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [58ACF3D7] (AR v2)
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [8CE43B78] (AR v2)
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [8D8010B3] (AR v2)
Track 15 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [D87D6684] (AR v2)
Track 16 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [6DFE6221] (AR v2)
Track 17 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [2A91EEEA] (AR v2)
Track 18 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [C53F08FD] (AR v2)
Track 19 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [3468DCED] (AR v2)
Track 20 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [5F21A50E] (AR v2)
Track 21 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [AE8F1751] (AR v2)
Track 22 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [2FFC7433] (AR v2)
Track 23 accurately ripped (confidence 2) [7B5D1952] (AR v2)
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
–– CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.6
[CTDB TOCID: r6bpYN_x7Y9ys5gKVwq7hrKUGsM-] found
Submit result: r6bpYN_x7Y9ys5gKVwq7hrKUGsM- has been confirmed
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
2 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
3 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
4 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
5 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
6 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
7 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
8 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
9 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
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12 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
13 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
14 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
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18 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
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23 | (2/2) Accurately ripped
==== Log checksum 5C0CB6D7D4396DBAD356CA40968A7155CC9548E78D0D9DA32A47ACCC65152B1A ====
Thanks to the original releaser