Bohdan Warchal, Capella Istropolitana - George Frideric Handel: Fireworks Music; Water Music (2001)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 282 Mb | Total time: 64:08 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Naxos | 8.550109 | Recorded: 1988
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 282 Mb | Total time: 64:08 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Naxos | 8.550109 | Recorded: 1988
The Water Music and the Music for the Royal Fireworks mark two chronological extremes of Handel's career in London. The first was written in his earlier years in England, presumably by 1717, to entertain a royal party sailing up the Thames, while the second was commissioned to celebrate the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1749. Both occasions called for outdoor music, a form in which Handel was to demonstrate a particular skill during the years that he provided music for the gardens at Vauxhall. Popular legend has it that Handel had offended the Elector of Hanover by his prolonged absence without leave in London and that a reconciliation was brought about through the Water Music, composed to accompany the new King's journey by barge from Whitehall to Chelsea, to entertain the court during supper and to escort the royal party back again down the Thames. The story, given early currency, is now generally discounted, since no overt reconciliation with King George seems to have been necessary. It is clear, however, from a number of contemporary accounts, that Baron Kielmansegge, whose wife was reputedly the King's mistress, paid for a band of 50 musicians to play music newly commissioned from Handel to entertain the King during an evening party on the Thames on 17th July, 1717. Precisely how much of the music performed was by Handel and how much of it now preserved in the three suites known as the Water Music is not clear. It is reasonable to suppose that the collection represents much of the music played in 1717, although the order of its performance is unknown. The present recording does not divide the Water Music into the three suites that tater editors have arranged largely from a study of the principal sources and from the instruments apparently involved. The first eleven numbers, however, correspond with what has been described as a Horn Suite, because of its particular use of French horns, played by musicians from Bohemia, where horn technique far surpassed anything then known in England. The movements that correspond with the second and third suites, the former distinguished by its use of trumpets and the latter by its suggestion of indoor music for the music for the Chelsea supper with the gentler sound of recorders, are not separated, so that the complete work ends with a trumpet minuet, after the pair of country dances with recorders that here immediately precede it.
"…played beautifully here by the Capella Istropolitana."–BBC Radio 3
Capella Istropolitana
Bohdan Warchal, conductor
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV 351
01. I. Overture
02. II. Bourree
03. III. La paix
04. IV. La rejouissance
05. V. Menuet I
06. V. Menuet II
Water Music: Suite No. 1 in F Major, HWV 348
07. I. Overture: Largo - Allegro
08. II. Adagio e staccato
09. III. Allegro - IV. Andante - Allegro
10. V. Passepied
11. VI. Air
12. VII. Menuet
13. VIII. Bourree
14. IX. Hornpipe
15. X. Allegro
Water Music: Suite No. 2 in D Major, HWV 349
16. I. Allegro
17. II. Alla Hornpipe
Water Music: Suite No. 3 in G Major, HWV 350
18. I. Sarabande
19. II. Rigaudon I and II
Water Music: Suite No. 2 in D Major, HWV 349
20. IV. Lentement
21. V. Bourree
Water Music: Suite No. 3 in G Major, HWV 350
22. III. Menuet I
23. III. Menuet II
24. IV. Bourree I
25. IV. Bourree II
Water Music: Suite No. 2 in D Major, HWV 349
26. III. Menuet
Exact Audio Copy V1.5 from 20. February 2020
EAC extraction logfile from 22. July 2020, 14:34
Bohdan Warchal / Fireworks Music. Water Music
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Filename C:\EACRip\HANDEL\00 - INSTRUMENTAL\Handel - Fireworks Music. Water Music (Bohdan Warchal) (2001 [1998])\Handel - Fireworks Music. Water Music - Bohdan Warchal.wav
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Thanks to the original releaser