Allen Ginsberg - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (1996)
XLD | Flac(Image) + Cue + Log & MP3 CBR 320Kbps
Mercury, 578 965-2 | ~ 141 or 54 Mb | Scans(jpg) -> 25 Mb
Folk Rock, Classic Rock
~ Allen Ginsberg • Paul McCartney • Philip Glass • Lenny Kaye ~
XLD | Flac(Image) + Cue + Log & MP3 CBR 320Kbps
Mercury, 578 965-2 | ~ 141 or 54 Mb | Scans(jpg) -> 25 Mb
Folk Rock, Classic Rock
~ Allen Ginsberg • Paul McCartney • Philip Glass • Lenny Kaye ~
Allen Ginsberg understood as well as anyone that, in the latter half of the 20th century, rock & roll would be the medium through which poetry and social commentary would reach the young and hungry masses. He eagerly hopped a ride on the bandwagon, collaborating with Dylan, the Clash, and Cornershop; setting William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience to music; and teaching "Eleanor Rigby" to his English classes at Brooklyn College. The boxed set Holy Soul Jellyroll proves that Ginsberg made himself, by sheer force of will, a highly effective though hardly conventional singer/songwriter. Apparently, however, he saved the best for last. The single The Ballad of the Skeletons, his final recorded release, is his musical masterpiece and deserves to be considered one of the most passionate, powerful, and articulate performances in the history of rock. Backed by a gang of high-profile pals (Philip Glass on keyboards; Lenny Kaye on bass; Paul McCartney on guitar, organ, and drums (!); plus crack session guitarists David Mansfield and Marc Ribot), Ginsberg intones the words of 66 skeletons, each of which represents some aspect of global (particularly American) society's cultural and political landscape. The skeletons snipe at each other and declare their own interests in a pageant that is both comic ("Said the Family Values skeleton/My family values mace") and macabre ("Said the Underdeveloped skeleton/Send me rice/Said Developed Nations skeleton/Sell your bones for dice"). In each verse, he cuts straight to the heart of the phenomenon in question with razor-keen perception, brutal simplicity, and deep wisdom. "Said the Middle Kingdom skeleton/We swallowed Tibet/Said the Dalai Lama skeleton/Indigestion's whatcha get." Perhaps most impressive is the way he deploys startling juxtapositions: "Said the Mirror skeleton/Hey good-looking/Said the Electric Chair skeleton/Hey what's cooking." Ginsberg never just reads. He cleverly varies the tone of his rich, electric voice to best suit each skeleton as he invokes it. The band follows suit, finding many opportunities to mix things up and thus keep the listener engaged over the song's eight minutes. The B-side, a brief plea on behalf of the homeless set to the tune of "Amazing Grace," is big-hearted but somewhat trite. It only serves to emphasize, by way of contrast, how amazing a piece of journalism/art "The Ballad of the Skeletons" is. Even in death, Allen Ginsberg remains the outraged, outrageous aesthetic and social conscience of our lunatic Daniel Browne, allmusic
Allen Ginsberg - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (1996):
1. The Ballad Of The Skeletons
2. The Ballad Of The Skeletons (edit)
3. Amazing Grace
4. The Ballad of the Skeletons (clean)
Paul McCartney - guitar, drums, hammond organ, maracas
Philip Glass - keyboards
Lenny Kaye - bass
Marc Ribot - guitar
Allen Ginsberg - voice
Converted to Image (CUETools 2.1.4)
X Lossless Decoder version 20080926 (93.3)
XLD extraction logfile from 2008-12-27 00:20:51 +0100
Allen Ginsberg / The Ballad Of The Skeletons
Used drive : PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-115D (revision 1.06)
Use cdparanoia mode : YES (CDParanoia III 10.2 engine)
Disable audio cache : OK for the drive with cache less than 2750KB
Make use of C2 pointers : NO
Read offset correction : 48
Max retry count : 100
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 00:00:00 | 07:49:17 | 0 | 35191
2 | 07:49:17 | 04:10:47 | 35192 | 53988
3 | 11:59:64 | 02:50:48 | 53989 | 66786
4 | 14:50:37 | 07:48:10 | 66787 | 101896
List of alternate offset correction values
# | Absolute | Relative | Confidence
1 | -858 | -906 | 2
All Tracks
Album gain : -6.50 dB
Peak : 0.999969
Track 01
Filename : /Volumes/Nebucadnezzar 01/00 Music rip and upload/Allen Ginsberg - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (1996) [FLAC]/01 - The Ballad Of The Skeletons.flac
Track gain : -6.38 dB
Peak : 0.943085
CRC32 hash (test run) : 32F7965B
CRC32 hash : 32F7965B
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 053E70EC
AccurateRip signature : FC293759
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -906;
the signature after correction is: 01208597)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 02
Filename : /Volumes/Nebucadnezzar 01/00 Music rip and upload/Allen Ginsberg - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (1996) [FLAC]/02 - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (edit).flac
Track gain : -6.86 dB
Peak : 0.945618
CRC32 hash (test run) : BB820AE9
CRC32 hash : BB820AE9
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 20B71C2E
AccurateRip signature : 307FAFEF
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -906;
the signature after correction is: C70759BF)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 03
Filename : /Volumes/Nebucadnezzar 01/00 Music rip and upload/Allen Ginsberg - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (1996) [FLAC]/03 - Amazing Grace.flac
Track gain : -6.16 dB
Peak : 0.999969
CRC32 hash (test run) : 8FD2B8CD
CRC32 hash : 8FD2B8CD
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8B6FC2C4
AccurateRip signature : D0411BA9
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -906;
the signature after correction is: 1685C637)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 04
Filename : /Volumes/Nebucadnezzar 01/00 Music rip and upload/Allen Ginsberg - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (1996) [FLAC]/04 - The Ballad of the Skeletons (clean).flac
Track gain : -6.44 dB
Peak : 0.942841
CRC32 hash (test run) : ED8F6964
CRC32 hash : ED8F6964
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8DF60C8A
AccurateRip signature : B209CC29
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -906;
the signature after correction is: C4BAC6F9)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
No errors occurred
End of status report
XLD extraction logfile from 2008-12-27 00:20:51 +0100
Allen Ginsberg / The Ballad Of The Skeletons
Used drive : PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-115D (revision 1.06)
Use cdparanoia mode : YES (CDParanoia III 10.2 engine)
Disable audio cache : OK for the drive with cache less than 2750KB
Make use of C2 pointers : NO
Read offset correction : 48
Max retry count : 100
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 00:00:00 | 07:49:17 | 0 | 35191
2 | 07:49:17 | 04:10:47 | 35192 | 53988
3 | 11:59:64 | 02:50:48 | 53989 | 66786
4 | 14:50:37 | 07:48:10 | 66787 | 101896
List of alternate offset correction values
# | Absolute | Relative | Confidence
1 | -858 | -906 | 2
All Tracks
Album gain : -6.50 dB
Peak : 0.999969
Track 01
Filename : /Volumes/Nebucadnezzar 01/00 Music rip and upload/Allen Ginsberg - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (1996) [FLAC]/01 - The Ballad Of The Skeletons.flac
Track gain : -6.38 dB
Peak : 0.943085
CRC32 hash (test run) : 32F7965B
CRC32 hash : 32F7965B
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 053E70EC
AccurateRip signature : FC293759
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -906;
the signature after correction is: 01208597)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 02
Filename : /Volumes/Nebucadnezzar 01/00 Music rip and upload/Allen Ginsberg - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (1996) [FLAC]/02 - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (edit).flac
Track gain : -6.86 dB
Peak : 0.945618
CRC32 hash (test run) : BB820AE9
CRC32 hash : BB820AE9
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 20B71C2E
AccurateRip signature : 307FAFEF
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -906;
the signature after correction is: C70759BF)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 03
Filename : /Volumes/Nebucadnezzar 01/00 Music rip and upload/Allen Ginsberg - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (1996) [FLAC]/03 - Amazing Grace.flac
Track gain : -6.16 dB
Peak : 0.999969
CRC32 hash (test run) : 8FD2B8CD
CRC32 hash : 8FD2B8CD
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8B6FC2C4
AccurateRip signature : D0411BA9
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -906;
the signature after correction is: 1685C637)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
Track 04
Filename : /Volumes/Nebucadnezzar 01/00 Music rip and upload/Allen Ginsberg - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (1996) [FLAC]/04 - The Ballad of the Skeletons (clean).flac
Track gain : -6.44 dB
Peak : 0.942841
CRC32 hash (test run) : ED8F6964
CRC32 hash : ED8F6964
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 8DF60C8A
AccurateRip signature : B209CC29
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
(matched with the different offset correction value;
calculated using an additional offset of -906;
the signature after correction is: C4BAC6F9)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0
No errors occurred
End of status report
[CUETools log; Date: 14.12.2017 15:17:37; Version: 2.1.5]
[AccurateRip ID: 0003ef49-000f6559-2b054e04] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [fc293759|8b3ccbf9] (07+11/20) Accurately ripped
02 [307fafef|75b694fa] (07+11/20) Accurately ripped
03 [d0411ba9|c7034d13] (07+11/20) Accurately ripped
04 [b209cc29|813ef2a5] (07+10/19) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -906:
01 [01208597] (02/20) Accurately ripped
02 [c70759bf] (02/20) Accurately ripped
03 [1685c637] (02/20) Accurately ripped
04 [c4bac6f9] (02/19) Accurately ripped
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
– 99,9 [C8408C64] [1A7A4636]
01 94,3 [32F7965B] [053E70EC]
02 94,5 [BB820AE9] [20B71C2E]
03 99,9 [8FD2B8CD] [8B6FC2C4]
04 94,2 [ED8F6964] [8DF60C8A]
[AccurateRip ID: 0003ef49-000f6559-2b054e04] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [fc293759|8b3ccbf9] (07+11/20) Accurately ripped
02 [307fafef|75b694fa] (07+11/20) Accurately ripped
03 [d0411ba9|c7034d13] (07+11/20) Accurately ripped
04 [b209cc29|813ef2a5] (07+10/19) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -906:
01 [01208597] (02/20) Accurately ripped
02 [c70759bf] (02/20) Accurately ripped
03 [1685c637] (02/20) Accurately ripped
04 [c4bac6f9] (02/19) Accurately ripped
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
– 99,9 [C8408C64] [1A7A4636]
01 94,3 [32F7965B] [053E70EC]
02 94,5 [BB820AE9] [20B71C2E]
03 99,9 [8FD2B8CD] [8B6FC2C4]
04 94,2 [ED8F6964] [8DF60C8A]
All thanks go to the original releaser
Download Allen Ginsberg - The Ballad Of The Skeletons (1996):