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The Vixen Star Book User Guide: How to Use the Star Book TEN and the Original Star Book

Posted By: AvaxGenius
The Vixen Star Book User Guide: How to Use the Star Book TEN and the Original Star Book

The Vixen Star Book User Guide: How to Use the Star Book TEN and the Original Star Book by James Chen , Adam Chen
English | PDF (True) | 2016 | 293 Pages | ISBN : 3319215922 | 15 MB

This book is for anyone who owns, or is thinking of owning, a Vixen Star Book Ten telescope mount or its predecessor. A revolution in amateur astronomy has occurred in the past decade with the wide availability of high tech, computer-driven, Go-To telescopes. Vixen Optics is leading the way by offering the Star Book Ten system, with its unique star map graphics software. The Star Book Ten is the latest version of computer telescope control using star map graphics as a user interface, first introduced in the original Star Book first offered in 2003.

Celestial Delights: The Best Astronomical Events Through 2020

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Celestial Delights: The Best Astronomical Events Through 2020

Celestial Delights: The Best Astronomical Events Through 2020 by Francis Reddy
English | PDF (True) | 2012 | 432 Pages | ISBN : 1461406099 | 12.6 MB

Celestial Delights is essentially a 'TV Guide' for teh sky. This will be its third edition. This title, which has aggregated sales of about 20,000 copies to date in its two previous editions and has found a niche with skygazers, is much awaited.

Religions and Extraterrestrial Life: How Will We Deal With It?

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Religions and Extraterrestrial Life: How Will We Deal With It?

Religions and Extraterrestrial Life: How Will We Deal With It? by David A. Weintraub
English | PDF (True) | 2014 | 229 Pages | ISBN : 3319050559 | 1.8 MB

In the twenty-first century, the debate about life on other worlds is quickly changing from the realm of speculation to the domain of hard science. Within a few years, as a consequence of the rapid discovery by astronomers of planets around other stars, astronomers very likely will have discovered clear evidence of life beyond the Earth. Such a discovery of extraterrestrial life will change everything.

The Great Knowledge Transcendence: The Rise of Western Science and Technology Reframed (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
The Great Knowledge Transcendence: The Rise of Western Science and Technology Reframed (Repost)

The Great Knowledge Transcendence: The Rise of Western Science and Technology Reframed by Dengjian Jin
English | PDF (True) | 2016 | 316 Pages | ISBN : 1137527935 | 2.6 MB

This book illustrates the unnaturalness of modern science and technology by tracing their cognitive, evolutionary, and religious origins. It elaborates that all premodern knowers faced inherent limits, and the West was able to develop modern science and technology because of its inherent contradictions forcing the transcendence of limitations.

Engineering Women: Re-visioning Women's Scientific Achievements and Impacts (Repost)

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Engineering Women: Re-visioning Women's Scientific Achievements and Impacts (Repost)

Engineering Women: Re-visioning Women's Scientific Achievements and Impacts by Jill S. Tietjen
English | PDF (True) | 2016 | 97 Pages | ISBN : 3319407988 | 2.7 MB

Packed with fascinating biographical sketches of female engineers, this chronological history of engineering brightens previously shadowy corners of our increasingly engineered world’s recent past. In addition to a detailed description of the diverse arenas encompassed by the word ‘engineering’ and a nuanced overview of the development of the field, the book includes numerous statistics and thought provoking facts about women’s roles in the achievement of thrilling scientific innovations. This text is a unique resource for students launching research projects in engineering and related fields, professionals interested in gaining a broader understanding of how engineering as a discipline has been impacted by events of global significance, and scholars of women’s immense, often obscured, contributions to scientific progress.

Prestigious Discoveries at CERN: 1973 Neutral Currents 1983 W & Z Bosons

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Prestigious Discoveries at CERN: 1973 Neutral Currents 1983 W & Z Bosons

Prestigious Discoveries at CERN: 1973 Neutral Currents 1983 W & Z Bosons by Roger Cashmore, Luciano Maiani (CERN Director General), Jean-Pierre Revol
English | PDF | 2003 | 201 Pages | ISBN : 3540207503 | 8.7 MB

The discoveries of neutral currents and of the W and Z bosons marked a watershed in the history of CERN. They established the validity of the electroweak theory and convinced physicists of the importance of renormalizable non-Abelian gauge theories of fundamental interactions. The articles collected in this book have been written by distinguished physicists who contributed in a crucial way to these developments. The book provides a historical account of those discoveries and of the construction and testing of the Standard Model. It also contains a discussion of the future of particle physics and gives an updated status of the LHC and its detectors currently being built at CERN. The book addresses those readers interested in particle physics including the educated public.

Columbia: Final Voyage

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Columbia: Final Voyage

Columbia: Final Voyage by Philip Chien
English | PDF |(True) 2006 | 465 Pages | ISBN : 0387271481 | 23.6 MB

In ‘Columbia: Final Voyage’ aerospace writer Philip Chien, who has over 20 years’ experience covering the US space program, provides a unique insight into the crew members who lost their lives in the Columbia disaster. Chien interviewed all seven crew members several times and got to know them as individuals. He reviews in detail their training, their scientific work and other activities during their successful 16-day flight, the background of the accident itself and a detailed first-hand account of what happened that fateful day in February 2003. The author provides a comprehensive and personal look at both the Columbia astronauts and the STS-107 mission, together with a behind-the-scenes account of other people involved in the mission and their personal reactions to the accident.

The Heavens Are Falling: The Scientific Prediction of Catastrophes in Our Time

Posted By: AvaxGenius
The Heavens Are Falling: The Scientific Prediction of Catastrophes in Our Time

The Heavens Are Falling: The Scientific Prediction of Catastrophes in Our Time by Walter J. Karplus
English | PDF | 1992 | 322 Pages | ISBN : 0306441306 | 25.7 MB

This book grew out of sense of mixed vexation and concern that has been building up inside me for a long time.

Effective Communication Skills for Health Professionals

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Effective Communication Skills for Health Professionals

Effective Communication Skills for Health Professionals by Philip Burnard
English | PDF | 225 Pages | ISBN : 0412408708 | 17.4 MB

This book is about practical ways of enhancing communication between health professionals and their patients or clients and between those professionals and their colleagues. The text covers all aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication. Divided into four parts, communication skills are identified as educational, therapeutic, organizational and personal. Within these areas teaching, presentation, computing, listening and counselling skills are discussed. There are also chapters on running groups, general management skills, self presentation, improving writing skills, assertiveness and self awareness. The final section includes a skills checklist and questionnaire. This volume should be of value to nurses, doctors, occupational therapists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, and social and voluntary workers, both qualified and in training, who want to improve their existing communication skills.

The Nuclear Lion: What Every Citizen Should Know About Nuclear Power and Nuclear War

Posted By: AvaxGenius
The Nuclear Lion: What Every Citizen Should Know About Nuclear Power and Nuclear War

The Nuclear Lion: What Every Citizen Should Know About Nuclear Power and Nuclear War by John Jagger
English | PDF (True) | 398 Pages | ISBN : 0306437716 | 35.1 MB

human kind cannot bear very much reality. T. S. ELIOT, Four Quartets When I was a little child, I lived in an old and somewhat rickety house by the sea. When the winter wind blew, the house would shake and tremble, and cold drafts would whistle through cracks in the walls. You might have thought that lying in bed in a dark room on such cold, windy nights would have frightened me. But it had just the opposite effect: having known this en­ vironment since birth, I actually found the shaking of the house, the whistling of the wind, and the crashing of the sea to be comforting, and I was lulled to sleep by these familiar sounds. They signaled to me that all was right with the world and that the forces of nature were operating in the normal way. But I did have a problem. On the dimly lit landing of the staircase leading up to my bedroom, there was a large and dark picture of a male lion, sitting as such lions do with his massive paws in front of him and his head erect, turned slightly to the right, and staring straight out at you with yellow blazing eyes. I had great difficulty getting past that lion. Someone would have to hold my hand and take me up to bed, past the dreaded picture.

Travel Medicine

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Travel Medicine

Travel Medicine: Proceedings of the First Conference on International Travel Medicine, Zürich, Switzerland, 5–8 April 1988 by Robert Steffen, Hans Lobel, James Haworth, David J. Bradley
English | PDF | 1989 | 624 Pages | ISBN : 3642737749 | 60.6 MB

Almost 50 million persons visit another continent each year. It is mainly those 15-18 million travelers from industrialized nations who visit or reside in developing countries that are at increased health risk. To develop effective health protection advice, the health risks of travel and the benefits of prophylaxis (vaccines, new and old drugs, behaviour modification, etc.) should be assessed systematically. The purpose of this book is to improve the protection of the travelers' health by more effective and more uniform recommendations. It contains many data on recent research and represents the first comprehensive account on travel medicine for professionals.

The Joy of Science: Excellence and Its Rewards

Posted By: AvaxGenius
The Joy of Science: Excellence and Its Rewards

The Joy of Science: Excellence and Its Rewards by Carl J. Sindermann
English | PDF | 1985 | 270 Pages | ISBN : 030642035X | 18.7 MB

The vague outline of a book based on ca se histories of suc- cessful scientists emerged slowly in discussions with col- leagues during a decade of exhausting research associated with the creation of an earlier book titled Winning the Games Scien- tists Play. The perception grew to overwhelming proportions that success in science is closely linked to pleasure in the prac- tice of science, but that this simple observation had rarely been emphasized within or outside scientific circles.

Illustrations: Everybody's Complete and Practical Guide

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Illustrations: Everybody's Complete and Practical Guide

Illustrations: Everybody's Complete and Practical Guide by Graham T. Richardson
English | PDF | 1985 | 348 Pages | ISBN : 0896030709 | 58.5 MB

person to prepare illustration copy at a pre-professional level-copy that is, however, often usable for routine purposes-and/or to communicate better with graphics spe­ cialists who will prepare the final illustrations. The skills necessary to take the final step of producing finished camera-ready illustrations are, unfortunately, based very much on actual hands-on experience and are thus beyond the ability of this or any other book to instill satisfactory competence in. Illustrations should also prove to be a highly useful reference work for professional illustrators. The wide variety of train­ ing and work experiences by which they have acquired their skills may not have provided full acquaintance with all of the exceptionally diverse kinds of information to be found here. There are, moreover, few disciplines whose practition­ ers cannot profit from an invigorating refresher course. After nearly seven years of work, then, I am pleased to put forward a book with many answers pertaining to the proper selection and preparation of informational illustrations. All such questions and their actual solutions, however, must re­ main up to you, the inquiring and attentive reader.

Achievement Motivation: Recent Trends in Theory and Research

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Achievement Motivation: Recent Trends in Theory and Research

Achievement Motivation: Recent Trends in Theory and Research by Leslie J. Fyans
English | PDF | 1980 | 469 Pages | ISBN : 0306405490 | 37.9 MB

This book started as a symposium on Achievement Motiva­ tion at the 1978 American Educational Research Association Convention. The participants in that symposium were Jack Atkinson, Martin Maehr, Dick De Charms, Joel Raynor, and Dave Hunt. The subsequent response to that symposium indicated a "coming of age" for motivation theory in terms of education. Soon afterward, at a Motivation in Education Conference at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, it became apparent that due to this emergence of motivation what was needed was a comprehensive perspective as to the state of the art of achievement theory. Achievement theory had by now well surpassed its beginnings in the 1950s and 1960s and was ready for a composite presentation and profile of the recent research and theories of motivation. Thus, this volume was born. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each contribu­ tor to this book as well as Robert L. Linn who critically reviewed several of the manuscripts.

A Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics

Posted By: AvaxGenius
A Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics

A Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics by D. W. G. Ballentyne , D. R. Lovett
English | PDF | 1980 | 354 Pages | ISBN : 0412223902 | 18.2 MB

The format of this edition remains unchanged from previous editions but the majority of entries have received some revision. In particular, units are now in SI units wherever possible, although with certain of the classical entries this is not possible. Chemical terminology has proved a particular problem. We have kept the common names for organic compounds because of the wide readership of this book but we have added an extra table giving the equivalent systematic names and the formulae. We have tried to avoid omission of any named effects and laws that have wide usage. Nevertheless, in order to keep the book to a manageable length, it has been necessary to make a selection among the less commonly used terms and it is inevitable that some arbitrary choices and omissions must be made. Some entries from earlier editions have been left out to make room for other entries which we feel have become more important. We are especially grateful to those readers who have pointed out previous omissions. D.W.G.B. Imperial College, Uni!.:ersity of London D.R.L.