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Winning Over Execs: Sales Presentations with an AI Boost

Posted By: IrGens
Winning Over Execs: Sales Presentations with an AI Boost

Winning Over Execs: Sales Presentations with an AI Boost
.MP4, AVC, 1280x720, 30 fps | English, AAC, 2 Ch | 51m | 150 MB
Instructor: Lisa Magnuson

Big sales opportunities require an executive sponsor and a convincing sales presentation. However, salespeople can struggle with the strategic preparation required for a successful outcome.

In this course, B2B sales strategy expert Lisa Magnuson shares how to prepare for confidence, executive connection, and a winning outcome—all made easier with the use of AI tools! Join Lisa in this course as she guides you through all the essential strategic elements, secrets, and subtleties you can employ to win your largest deals.

Learning objectives

  • Formulate a strategic selling plan, enhanced by AI.
  • Determine how to make an authentic connection with prospects, made easier by AI.
  • Construct an engaging sales presentation for an executive audience with prep assistance from AI.
  • Break down prospect engagement with tips from AI.
  • Demonstrate a winning mindset with help from AI.

Winning Over Execs: Sales Presentations with an AI Boost