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Intelligent Systems Modeling and Simulation III

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Intelligent Systems Modeling and Simulation III

Intelligent Systems Modeling and Simulation III: Artificial Intelligent, Machine Learning, Intelligent Functions and Cyber Security by Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 522 Pages | ISBN : 3031673166 | 82.7 MB

This book continues the previous edition: Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim (2022). Intelligent Systems Modeling and Simulation II: Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Efficient Numerical Algorithm and Statistical Methods, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (SSDC, volume 444, 22k Access). After two years, Intelligent Systems Modeling and Simulation have evolved tremendously through the latest and advanced emergence technologies and many highly sophisticated algorithms have been developed by blending artificial intelligence (AI) and mathematics, statistics, data modelling and other related research areas.

Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL'24

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL'24

Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL'24: Smart Sustainable and Green Logistics, Volume 2 by Youssef Benadada, Fatima-Zahra Mhada, Jaouad Boukachour, Fatima Ouzayd, Ahmed El Hilali Alaoui
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 367 Pages | ISBN : 3031686330 | 48.1 MB

This book presents the advances in the concept, model, method, and tools for the global supply chain management. The conference took place in Marrakesh from May 2 to May 4, 2024. The 7th edition of this conference focused on Smart Sustainable and Green Logistics. The papers included in the book's proceedings cover various themes, such as:

Fortress Britain 1940: Britain’s Unsung and Secret Defences on Land, Sea and in the Air

Posted By: arundhati
Fortress Britain 1940: Britain’s Unsung and Secret Defences on Land, Sea and in the Air

Andrew Chatterton, "Fortress Britain 1940: Britain’s Unsung and Secret Defences on Land, Sea and in the Air"
English | ISBN: 1636243452 | 2024 | 304 pages | EPUB | 12 MB

Rangers, Scouts, and Raiders: Origin, Organization, and Operations of Selected Special Operations Forces

Posted By: arundhati
Rangers, Scouts, and Raiders: Origin, Organization, and Operations of Selected Special Operations Forces

Michael F Dilley, "Rangers, Scouts, and Raiders: Origin, Organization, and Operations of Selected Special Operations Forces"
English | ISBN: 1636242839 | 2023 | 240 pages | EPUB | 20 MB

Franco's Pirates: Naval Aspects of the Spanish Civil War 1936–39

Posted By: arundhati
Franco's Pirates: Naval Aspects of the Spanish Civil War 1936–39

E. R. Hooton, "Franco's Pirates: Naval Aspects of the Spanish Civil War 1936–39"

Hood's Defeat Near Fox's Gap: Prelude to Emancipation

Posted By: arundhati
Hood's Defeat Near Fox's Gap: Prelude to Emancipation

Curtis L Older, "Hood's Defeat Near Fox's Gap: Prelude to Emancipation"
English | ISBN: 1636242731 | 2023 | 240 pages | EPUB | 15 MB

Human Leadership for Humane Technology The New AI: Agency Ignited

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Human Leadership for Humane Technology The New AI: Agency Ignited

Human Leadership for Humane Technology The New AI: Agency Ignited by Cornelia C. Walther
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 357 Pages | ISBN : 3031678222 | 14 MB

This book explores the relationship of natural and artificial intelligence in our rapidly evolving world. It does so anchored in an innovative multidisciplinary framework and the premise that society is a composition of multiple dimensions, with individuals (micro), communities (meso), countries (macro) and planet (meta) in the collective sphere, and individuals themselves as multidimensional beings (aspirations, emotions, thoughts, sensations). This perspective is applied to analyze the implications of our transition into a phase where online and offline realms are increasingly intertwined. Special attention is given to the influence of all pervasive technology on our perception of the self and society. The central message is that we must learn to harness Agency amid AI, which entails double literacy – of artificial and natural intelligence.

Beyond Radical Secularism: How France and the Christian West Should Respond to the Islamic Challenge

Posted By: arundhati
Beyond Radical Secularism: How France and the Christian West Should Respond to the Islamic Challenge

Pierre Manent, "Beyond Radical Secularism: How France and the Christian West Should Respond to the Islamic Challenge"
English | ISBN: 1587310740 | 2016 | 160 pages | PDF | 4 MB

The business of time: A global history of the watch industry

Posted By: arundhati
The business of time: A global history of the watch industry

Pierre-Yves Donzé, "The business of time: A global history of the watch industry "
English | ISBN: 1526162571 | 2022 | 216 pages | EPUB | 8 MB

Innovative Methods in Horticultural Crop Improvement: Biosensors and Nanosensors

Posted By: AvaxGenius
Innovative Methods in Horticultural Crop Improvement: Biosensors and Nanosensors

Innovative Methods in Horticultural Crop Improvement: Biosensors and Nanosensors by Jameel M. Al-Khayri, Lina M. Alnaddaf, Shri Mohan Jain, Suprasanna Penna
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 337 Pages | ISBN : 3031610946 | 36 MB

This book focuses on recent advances in biosensors and nanosensors to monitor, manage and improve horticultural crops in terms of plant growth, nutrient deficiency, toxicity, diseases, abiotic stress, soil amendments and agrochemicals entry into surrounding environment. Besides contributing to sustainable agriculture, these innovative tools facilitate promoting plant health and horticultural products quality and safety. The book consists of 11 chapters grouped in 4 parts. Part I Growth, Development and Productivity, Part II Trends in Abiotic and Biotic Stress Management, Part III Harvest Quality, Part IV Precision Agriculture and Environment Sustainability. Increased productivity, stimulation of plant growth, precise farming, monitoring food quality and freshness during production, processing, distribution and storage, reduced costs and waste, and sustainable agriculture are some of the concepts discussed. The book presents the mechanisms of biosensors and nanosensors for monitoring the various changes during pre- and post-harvest stages of horticultural crops. These are considered as efficient tools to achieve goals of plant breeders in horticultural crops improvement programs. Chapters are written by globally recognized scientists and subjected to a rigorous review process to ensure quality presentation and scientific precision. Each chapter begins with an introduction that covers similar contexts and includes a detailed discussion of the topic accompanied by high-quality color images, diagrams and relevant details and concludes with recommendations for future study directions in addition to a comprehensive bibliography.

Critical Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling: Implications for Practice

Posted By: arundhati
Critical Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling: Implications for Practice

D. Loewenthal, "Critical Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling: Implications for Practice"
English | ISBN: 1137460563 | 2015 | 347 pages | EPUB | 1222 KB

Jesus and His Promised Second Coming: Jewish Eschatology and Christian Origins

Posted By: arundhati
Jesus and His Promised Second Coming: Jewish Eschatology and Christian Origins

Tucker S. Ferda, "Jesus and His Promised Second Coming: Jewish Eschatology and Christian Origins"
English | ISBN: 080287990X | 2024 | 564 pages | EPUB | 3 MB

Il coraggio di Rosa. Storia di una donna che ha ripudiato la 'ndrangheta - Marisa Manzini

Posted By: Maroutan
Il coraggio di Rosa. Storia di una donna che ha ripudiato la 'ndrangheta - Marisa Manzini

Il coraggio di Rosa. Storia di una donna che ha ripudiato la 'ndrangheta - Marisa Manzini
Italiano | 2024 | 342 Pages | ISBN: 8849881363 | EPUB | 1.45 MB

Ci sono luoghi che sembrano segnati da un destino ineluttabile e persone la cui storia sembra già scritta nel nome che portano. Ma certe volte basta un granello di sabbia nell'ingranaggio per interrompere il balletto meccanico del determinismo sociale e cambiare il corso degli eventi. Quando Antonio Mandelli mette gli occhi su Rosa Bellomo, lui è già un personaggio di spicco della 'ndrangheta di Nicotera e lei poco più che una ragazzina. Il coraggio di Rosa è la storia, una delle tante possibili, di questo incontro fatale, di destini che sembrano inesorabili, e di una ribellione felice favorita da un incontro provvidenziale.

La coscienza delle piante - Nikolai Prestia

Posted By: Maroutan
La coscienza delle piante - Nikolai Prestia

La coscienza delle piante - Nikolai Prestia
Italiano | 2024 | 192 Pages | ISBN: 8829720895 | EPUB | 901.06 KB

Dopo un attacco di panico, Marco viene ricoverato al pronto soccorso. Non riesce a parlare, è confuso, e mentre gli altri ricoverati scandiscono il tempo con i propri lamenti, uno psicologo si prende cura di lui invitandolo a ripercorrere il proprio passato. Dentro di sé, Marco ha molte cose, ma soprattutto i dolori, le falsità e i fallimenti collezionati durante gli studi universitari a Siena. Il flusso di coscienza nel quale si immerge viene scandito dalle sue ultime quattro sigarette, con la promessa, a racconto concluso, di smettere di fumare.

Finanza di strada. Storie di denaro, speranze e illusioni - Franco Becchis

Posted By: Maroutan
Finanza di strada. Storie di denaro, speranze e illusioni - Franco Becchis

Finanza di strada. Storie di denaro, speranze e illusioni - Franco Becchis
Italiano | 2024 | 184 Pages | ISBN: 8868269163 | EPUB | 954.65 KB

Strani finanzieri che vendono scatole vuote, influencer che promuovono prodotti fi¬nanziari sui social, risparmiatori che credono alla promessa di tassi di interesse astronomici, ma anche sale bingo, banchetti alle isole Cayman e dubbi investimenti in riforestazioni: questi sono gli incontri e le storie di questo libro, in cui si scoprono tutti i segreti della finanza di oggi. Tra truffe, derivati e criptovalute, usando un lin¬guaggio accessibile e fornendo esempi tratti dalla vita di tutti i giorni, l'economista Franco Becchis ci aiuta a orientarci nel complesso labirinto del mondo del denaro e a muoverci in modo consapevole.