"Topics in Hydrometerology" ed. by Theodore V Hromadka II, Prasada Rao
ITExLi | 2019 | ISBN: 1838807713 9781838807719 1838805613 9781838805616 1838805605 9781838805609 | 99 pages | PDF | 20 MB
ITExLi | 2019 | ISBN: 1838807713 9781838807719 1838805613 9781838805616 1838805605 9781838805609 | 99 pages | PDF | 20 MB
This volume provides readers with some of the latest developments and applications across different regions of the world and will motivate the audience to investigate other areas in hydrometeorology.
The field of hydrometeorology bridges across both meteorology and hydrology. In this book, multiple experts present their work on various topics that fall under the purview of hydrometeorology.
1.Introductory Chapter: An Introduction to Topics in Hydrometeorology
2.Synergy between SMOS-MIRAS and Landsat-OLI/TIRS Data for Soil Moisture Mapping before, during, and after Flash-Flood Storm in Southwestern Morocco
3.Development and Application of Conceptual Rainfall-Altitude Regression Model: The Case of Matahara Area (Ethiopia)
4.Linkages between Water and Forests in South American Watersheds under Restoration
5.Geo-Statistical Assessment of the Intensity, Duration, Frequency and Trend of Drought over Gangetic West Bengal, Eastern India
6.Rainfall Erosivity: Gap-Filling Method Differences in the Brazilian Pantanal and Cerrado Biomes
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