Shelf Life
by Dominic Man
English | EPUB | 8.5 MB
by Dominic Man
English | EPUB | 8.5 MB
Shelf life, a term recognised in EU/UK food legislation, may bedefined as the period of time for which a food product will remainsafe and fit for use, provided that it is kept in defined storageconditions. During this period, the product should retain itsdesired sensory, chemical, physical, functional and microbiologicalcharacteristics, as well as accurately comply with any nutritionalinformation printed on the label. ÂShelf lifeÂtherefore refers to a number of different aspects; each foodproduct has a microbiological shelf life, a chemical shelf life,and a sensory (or organoleptic) shelf life. These categoriesreflect the different ways in which a food product will deteriorateover time. Ultimately the shelf life of a food product is intendedto reflect the overall effect of these different aspects.
Shelf life has always been an important facet of industrial foodpreparation and production, as food and drink are often produced inone area and then distributed to other areas for retailing andconsumption. Globalised distribution and supply chains make itimperative that food should survive the transit between producerand consumer  as a perishable commodity, food carries a highrisk of spoilage. As such, a realistic, workable and reproducibleshelf life has to be determined every time a new food product isdeveloped and marketed; shelf life determination of food has becomean integral part of food safety, quality assurance, productdevelopment, marketing, and consumer behaviour.
Dominic ManÂs Shelf Life, now in a revised and updatedsecond edition, encompasses the core considerations about shelflife. Section 1 introduces shelf life, describes its relationshipto food safety, and provides answers to the frequently askedquestions around shelf life determination and testing which are amanagerÂs chief concerns. Section 2 covers the science of thevarious ways in which food deteriorates and spoils, including thephysical, chemical and microbiological changes. Section 3 looks atshelf life in practice, using case studies of different products toillustrate how shelf life may be determined in real life settings.This book will be invaluable to both practitioners and students inneed of a succinct and comprehensive overview of shelf lifeconcerns and topics.