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«Ross O'Carroll-Kelly, The Miseducation Years» by Paul Howard, Ross O'Carroll-Kelly

Posted By: Gelsomino
«Ross O'Carroll-Kelly, The Miseducation Years» by Paul Howard, Ross O'Carroll-Kelly

«Ross O'Carroll-Kelly, The Miseducation Years» by Paul Howard, Ross O'Carroll-Kelly
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So there I was, roysh, putting the 'in' in 'in crowd', hanging out, pick of the babes, bills from the old pair to fund the lifestyle I, like, totally deserve. But being a schools rugby legend has its downsides, roysh, like all the total knobs wanting to chill in your, like, reflected glory, and the bunny-boilers who decide they want to be with me and won't take, like, no for an answer. And we're talking totally here. Basically, it may look like a champagne bath with, like, Nell McAndrew, with, like, no clothes and everything, but I can tell you, roysh, those focking bubbles can burst. And when they do … OH MY GOD!

Ross O'Carroll-Kelly is all meat and no preservatives, roysh, at least, that's what it says in the can in, like, one particular south Dublin girls' school, which shall remain nameless, roysh, basically to protect the names of the guilty. You know who you are.