"Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering" ed. by Jose A. Andrades
ITAe | 2013 | ISBN: 9789535111085 | 865 pages | PDF | 95 MB
ITAe | 2013 | ISBN: 9789535111085 | 865 pages | PDF | 95 MB
This book fairly reflects the state of the art of disciplines at this time as well as their therapeutic application. It covers numerous topics, such as stem cells, cell culture, polymer synthesis, novel biomaterials, drug delivery, therapeutics, and the creation of tissues and organs. The goal is to have this book serve as a reference for graduate students, post-docs, teachers, scientists and physicians, and as an explanatory analysis for executives in biotech and pharmaceutical companies.
The fundamental concept of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine is appealing to scientists, physicians, and lay people alike: to heal tissue or organ defects that the current medical practice deems difficult or impossible to cure.
Tissue engineering combines cells, engineering, and materials methods with suitable biochemical and physiochemical factors to improve or replace biologic functions.
Regenerative medicine is a new branch of medicine that attempts to change the course of chronic disease, in many instances regenerating failing organ systems lost due to age, disease, damage, or congenital defects.
Section 1 Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine
1 Placenta-Derived Stem Cells as a Source for Treatment of Lung and Liver Disease in Cystic Fibrosis
2 Isolation of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells: Cellular Composition is Technique-Dependent
3 The ASC: Critical Participants in Paracrine-Mediated Tissue Health and Function
4 Dental-Related Stem Cells and Their Potential in Regenerative Medicine
5 Induce Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells by Co-Culture System
6 Oral and Maxillofacial Tissue Engineering with Adipose-Derived Stem Cells
7 Is the Articular Cartilage Regeneration Approachable Through Mesenchymal Stem Cells Therapies?
8 Adipose Derived Stem Cells: Current State of the Art and Prospective Role in Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering
9 Regulatory Issues in the Therapeutic Use of Stem Cells
Section 2 Scaffolds and Matrices
10 The Evolution of Three-Dimensional Cell Cultures Towards Unimpeded Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering
11 Naturally Derived Biomaterials: Preparation and Application
12 Biomaterials for Cardiac Tissue Engineering
13 Treatment of Bone Defects —Allogenic Platelet Gel and Autologous Bone Technique
14 Skeletal Muscle Ventricles (SMVs) and Biomechanical Hearts (BMHs) with a Self-Endothelializing Titanized Blood Contacting Surface
15 Cartilage Tissue Engineering: The Role of Extracellular Matrix (ECM) and Novel Strategies
16 Fabrication of PGA/PLA Scaffold with the Shape of Human Nose
Section 3 Regeneration of Tissues and Organs
17 Bone Marrow-Derived Cells Regenerate Structural and Functional Lower Urinary Tracts
18 Corneal Endothelial Tissue Bioengineering Using Cultured Human Corneal Endothelial Precursor Cells
19 Angiogenesis — The Key to Regeneration
20 Engineering of Inflammation-Resistant Osteochondral Cells
21 Tissue Engineered Animal Sparing Models for the Study of Joint and Muscle Diseases
22 Importance of Extracellular Environment for Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering of Cartilagious Tissue
23 Potential of Different Tissue Engineering Strategies in the Bladder Reconstruction
24 Advances in Bone Tissue Engineering
25 Bone Engineering: A Matter of Cells, Growth Factors and Biomaterials
26 Adaptation and Evolution in a Gravitational Environment —A Theoretical Framework for the Limited Re-Generative Post-Natal Time Window of the Heart in Higher Vertebrates
27 Skeletal Muscle Regeneration for Clinical Application
28 Delivery Systems and Role of Growth Factors for Alveolar Bone Regeneration in Dentistry
Section 4 Clinical Perspective of Tissue Engineering and Cell-Based Therapies
29 Regenerative Medicine for Neurological Diseases with the Use of Electrical Stimulation
30 Pigmented Skin Models: Understand the Mechanisms of Melanocytes
31 Cell Therapy and Muscle Regeneration: Skeletal Myogenic Differentiation of Urine-Derived Stem Cells for Potential Use in Treatment of Urinary Incontinence
32 Autologous Muscular Treatment Options for Endstage Heart Failure —A Critical Appraisal of the Dynamic Cardiomyoplasty (DCMP) vs. a New Concept of a Closed-Loop Controlled DCMP (CLC-DCMP)
33 Complications of Post-Transplant Immunosuppression
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