«Pennies from Heaven… Really» by Nancy Northrop Sluzinski
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When Nancy Northrop Sluzinski became a widowlosing her best friend and daily conversation partner of thirty yearsshe experienced immense sadness, anger, and loneliness. Following her husbands death, she owned two farmsone in Connecticut and one in North Carolinaas well as a small winter home in Florida. She worked part-time as a cashier in a clothing store and collected social security. Overwhelmed by both her own emotions and the processes of death and grief, she was completely alone, having no living family.When the penny happenings started, therefore, she didnt pay much attention. After all, who ever heard of pennies from heavenexcept in the movies? But when they continued to appear, she began to take notice and keep a record. As she shared her happenings with the pennies with other people, she found that they too had similar experiences. Her penny moments brought such joy into her life because she knew her husband was indeed watching over her from heaven.Pennies from Heaven Really shares the true story of how she came to terms with her grief and maintained a connection with her husband. Now, she has decided to share the joy with grieving family members everywhere.