Arms and the Covenant
by Winston S. Churchill
English | EPUB | 4.0 MB
by Winston S. Churchill
English | EPUB | 4.0 MB
In the 1930s, well before Britain entered the War, Winston Churchill warned about the Nazi threat building in the east–even as many European leaders were urging caution and diplomacy. Arms and the Covenant is a collection of forty-one of Churchill's speeches from 1928 to 1938–speeches that would prove highly prescient, and ultimately successful in inspiring Britain's action as the first country to stand against Hitler. The speeches range in tone from weighty solemnity to an almost lighthearted approach. Notable among these speeches is "The Disarmament Fable," in which Churchill presents the case for disarmament in the guise of negotiations among animals as to who should be allowed to keep their horns, and who should be permitted teeth and claws. This volume presents a fascinating look at Churchill's tactics in convincing the British government and public of the rising danger building in the east–and at his versatility and skill as one of the best orators of the twentieth century.