Handbook of Targeted Cancer Therapy and Immunotherapy: Breast Cancer
by Senthil Damodaran;Debu Tripathy;
English | 2022 | ISBN: 1975184564 | 352 pages | True EPUB | 13.07 MB
by Senthil Damodaran;Debu Tripathy;
English | 2022 | ISBN: 1975184564 | 352 pages | True EPUB | 13.07 MB
Designed for quick, everyday reference, Handbook of Targeted Cancer Therapy and Immunotherapy: Breast Cancer provides a practical overview of this rapidly advancing field. Comprehensive yet concise, this easy-access resource by Drs. Senthil Damodaran and Debu Tripathy of MD Anderson Cancer Center helps you filter and apply the most recent discoveries as they pertain to specific tumor types, actionable molecular targets, and clinical performance of approved or investigational targeted agents and combinations of agents.
Covers breast cancer targets—Phase 1, 2, and 3 trials and preliminary results, as well as approved therapies.
Includes sections on Molecular Targets and Pathways, and Targeted and Immunotherapy Agents.
Contains a section on Molecular Diagnostics, Testing, and Interpretation, with essential content customized for breast cancer.
Organizes information by tumor type, pathway, and drug name, so you can approach clinical challenges from any direction.
Highlights FDA approvals throughout.
Pocket-sized and color coded to help you find information quickly and easily.
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