Gun Digest 2011 by Dan Shideler
2010 | ISBN: 1440213372 | English | 568 pages | PDF | 63 MB
2010 | ISBN: 1440213372 | English | 568 pages | PDF | 63 MB
The definitive resource for firearms enthusiasts, "Gun Digest 2011" is the firearm industry's answer to an annual report to customers. You can gain all the latest trend information from product reports by top-name authorities and access the one-of-a-kind catalogue index with exhaustive illustrations of major and lesser-known brands of firearms, and valuable contact information. The extensive editorial well carries carefully researched articles on interesting aspects of the shooting sports. Contributing editors provide annual reports of new product news in the major firearms categories. The illustrated arms and accessory catalogue, updated each year, carries the latest listings, specifications and prices. Finally, the annually updated "Directory of the Arms Trade" is the most extensive and well-maintained industry directory in existence.