Regena Thomashauer, "Pussy: A Reclamation"
ISBN: 1401950248, 1781806365 | 2016 | EPUB | 288 pages | 1 MB
It just may be the most pejorative word in the English language. It’s the ultimate salacious smack to a woman’s dignity, used to hurt, humiliate, and dehumanize. No one calls you a “pussy” when they want to tell you how radiant you look, how capably you work, or what an inspiring life you lead.
That’s about to change. In this remarkable book, Regena Thomashauer, founder of Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts, reclaims the word for what it rightly is: the highest of all possible compliments, a sacred living prayer.
Pussy has been written to reacquaint you with your own power source—both figuratively and literally. Drawing on Mama Gena’s 25 years of research into women’s history, experience, and potential, you’ll ramp up your “cliteracy” and learn to awaken a part of yourself you’ve been taught to repress or even despise. You’ll see that pussy is anything but pornographic—it’s actually the seat of all feminine power and pleasure. And you’ll discover how a woman’s sensual awareness is critical for her spiritual, intellectual, and emotional health.
In these pages, Mama Gena reveals:
• The secret ingredient every woman is missing
• How to crack the confidence code
• Why sex appeal is an inside job
• What’s ahead on the next frontier of feminism—and how you can help make it happen
• And much more
When you open this book, you’re being handed the keys to a turned-on life—which simply means authentic, radiant, and open to pleasure and joy. By turns earthy and erudite, passionately argued and laugh-out-loud funny, Pussy is your call to tune in, turn on, and live more richly and fully than you ever thought you could.