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The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Science

Posted By: IrGens
The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Science

The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Science (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy) edited by Liba Taub
English | March 12, 2020 | ISBN: 1107092485, 1107465761 | True PDF | 356 pages | 28.99 MB

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the key themes in Greek and Roman science, medicine, mathematics and technology. A distinguished team of specialists engage with topics including the role of observation and experiment, Presocratic natural philosophy, ancient creationism, and the special style of ancient Greek mathematical texts, while several chapters confront key questions in the philosophy of science such as the relationship between evidence and explanation.

The volume will spark renewed discussion about the character of 'ancient' versus 'modern' science, and will broaden readers' understanding of the rich traditions of ancient Greco-Roman natural philosophy, science, medicine and mathematics.