Stories Left in Stone: Trails and Traces in Cáceres, Spain (Wayfarer) by Troy Nahumko
English | October 1, 2024 | ISBN: 1772127744 | 328 pages | PDF | 26 Mb
English | October 1, 2024 | ISBN: 1772127744 | 328 pages | PDF | 26 Mb
Stories Left in Stone explores the lives, histories, and artistic legacies of Cáceres and Extremadura. Author Troy Nahumko has lived in the old town of Cáceres, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, for over a decade. His journey starts at the Cave of Maltravieso, where prehistoric art stirs a profound curiosity about the city's rich tapestry of past and present. Amid the dazzle of cobbled medieval streets, 12th century Moorish walls, fortified palaces, and 60,000-year-old handprints, Nahumko asks how locals characterize their city and leave their own marks. Through personal narrative and interviews with locals, expats, and experts, he shares sociological, archaeological, and historical insights. Nahumko's storytelling paints a vivid and empathetic portrait of the people and heritage of this lesser-known province of Spain, as he surveys its history, cuisine, and stunning natural beauty.
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