وجدة Wadjda (2012)
DVDrip | MKV H264-1295 | AC3@448 | 720x576 | 2 Audio Tracks: French_1 Arabic_2 | Sub: French (emb.) English (srt) | DVD Cover | 1h33 | 1.5 Gb
Comedy, Drama | Saudi Arabia, Germany, Netherlands … 4 Feb 2012 | Director Haifaa Al MANSOUR
Cast/Avec Waad Mohammed, Reem Abdullah, Abdullrahman Al Gohani, Ahd, Sultan Al Assaf
Wadjda a 10 ans et un caractère bien trempé. Pleine de vie, téméraire, elle peine à obéir aux principes rigides et conservateurs de sa famille, installée en banlieue de Riyad. Un jour, la petite fille découvre, au détour d'une rue, un vélo vert flamboyant à vendre. Dès ce moment, elle n'a plus qu'une obsession : acheter le vélo et s'en servir pour battre son ami Abdullah à la course. Wadjda ne parvient pourtant pas à convaincre sa mère, qui craint les qu'en-dira-t-on. La fillette, loin d'être dissuadée par les réticences de sa famille, décide alors de gagner l'argent nécessaire pour obtenir le fameux vélo…
Based in the 2000s, Wadjda, an 11-year-old Saudi girl living in the capital Riyadh, dreams of owning a green bicycle that she passes in a store every day on her way to school. She wants to race against her friend Abdullah, a boy from the neighborhood, but riding bikes is frowned upon for girls and Wadjda's mother refuses to buy one for her daughter. Wadjda tries to find the money herself by selling mixtapes, hand-braiding bracelets for classmates and acting as a go-between for an older student, activities which run her afoul of the strict headmistress. Her mother, meanwhile, is dealing with a job with a terrible commute and a husband who is considering taking on a second wife, because Wadjda's mother can no longer have children…
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