The Tailor of Panama (2001)
DVDrip | MKV H264-1163 | AAC@160 | 720x304 | Audio: English | Subs: English, Arabic, Scandinavian, Eastern Lang., Hindi, Dutch, Greek, Hebrew (emb.) French (srt) | DVD Cover & Sticker | 1h45 | 1.0 Gb
Comedy Drama, Thriller | Irland, USA 2001 | Director John BOORMAN
Cast Pierce Brosnan, Geoffrey Rush, Jamie Lee Curtis
John LeCarre's spy thriller is brought to the big screen. A British spy is banished to Panama after having an affair with an ambassador's mistress. Once there he makes connection with a local tailor with a criminal past and connections to all of the top political and gangster figures in Panama. The tailor also has a wife, who works for the canal administrator, and a huge debt. The spy's mission is to learn what the President intends to do with the Panama Canal, but he's really in business for himself, blackmailing the tailor into spinning a fantastic tale about the canal being sold to China and former mercenaries ready to topple the current government.
Autrefois petit escroc londonien, Harry Pendel est aujourd'hui le meilleur tailleur de Panama. Il habille tout ce que ce petit pays hautement stratégique compte de gens influents. Ses conversations sont aussi réputées que les costumes qu'il confectionne. Entouré de sa femme Louisa et de ses deux enfants, Harry est l'ami et le confident de tous. Pour Andy Osnard, un séduisant espion sans scrupule récemment muté à l'ambassade britannique, Harry ferait un parfait informateur. Le convaincre de collaborer devrait être chose facile, puisque Osnard a découvert le secret de son mystérieux passé…
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