IDA (2013)
DVDrip | MKV H264-1451 | AAC@160 | 720x540 | 2 Audio Tracks: Polish_1 French_2 | Sub: French, English (emb.) | DVD Cover & Sticker | 1h18 | 1.0 Gb
Drama | Poland, Danmark 28 Nov 2012 | Director Pawel PAWLIKOWSKI
Cast/Avec Agata Kulesza, Agata Trzebuchowska, Halina Skoczynska
Polska, lata 60. XX wieku. Mloda sierota Anna, wychowywana w klasztorze, zgodnie z zyczeniem matki przelozonej przed zlozeniem slubów zakonnych, musi odwiedzic jedyna swoja krewna, siostre matki – Wande Gruz. Kobieta, stalinowska prokurator i sedzia, najpierw niechetnie poznaje siostrzenice. Odslania prawde o rodzinie i wyjasnia dziewczynie, iz ta jest Zydówka o imieniu Ida. Obie kobiety udaja sie w podróz w rodzinne strony, aby dowiedziec sie o losach ich rodziny. Postac Wandy (w jej roli Agata Kulesza) byla inspirowana postacia Heleny Wolinskiej.
Dans la Pologne des années 60, avant de prononcer ses voeux, Anna, jeune orpheline élevée au couvent, part à la rencontre de sa tante, seul membre de sa famille encore en vie. Elle découvre alors un sombre secret de famille datant de l'occupation nazie.
In the 1960s Polish People's Republic, Anna, a young novice nun, is told by her prioress that before she takes her vows she must visit her aunt, Wanda Gruz, who is her only surviving relative. Anna travels to visit her aunt Wanda, a chain-smoking, hard-drinking, sexually promiscuous judge who reveals that Anna's actual name is Ida Lebenstein. Ida's parents had been Jews who were murdered late in the German occupation of Poland during World War II (1939–45). Ida was then an infant, and as an orphan she'd been raised by the convent. Wanda, who'd been a Communist resistance fighter against the German occupation, had become the state prosecutor "Red Wanda" who sent "men to their deaths"…
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