Pierrot le Fou (1965)
Blu-Ray | BDMV | AVC, 1920x1080, ~31.0 Mbps | 1hr 50mn | 33,3 GB
French (Français) \ English \ Spanish (Español) \ German (Deutsch) \ French (Français): DTS-HD Master Audio, 2 ch, ~ 918 kbps
Subtitles: Dutch, Danish, English, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, German
Genre: Crime, Drama, Romance
Blu-Ray | BDMV | AVC, 1920x1080, ~31.0 Mbps | 1hr 50mn | 33,3 GB
French (Français) \ English \ Spanish (Español) \ German (Deutsch) \ French (Français): DTS-HD Master Audio, 2 ch, ~ 918 kbps
Subtitles: Dutch, Danish, English, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, German
Genre: Crime, Drama, Romance
Director: Jean-Luc Godard
Writers: Jean-Luc Godard
Stars: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Anna Karina, Graziella Galvani
Ferdinand Griffon, married to a wealthy Italian wife, has recently been fired from the television station where he worked. His wife forces him to go to a party at the home of her influential father, who wants to introduce him to a potential employer. Her brother brings babysitter Marianne Renoir to take care of their children. Feeling bored at the bourgeois party, Ferdinand borrows his brother-in-law's car to head home. He meets Marianne, who was his mistress five years ago and insists on calling him Pierrot, and offers to take her home. They spend the night together and he learns that she's involved in smuggling weapons. When terrorists chase her, they decide to leave Paris and his family behind and go on the run, on a crazy journey to nowhere.
- Introduction by Colin McCabe, Godard expert
- Godard, l'amour, la poésie Luc Lagier's 2007 documentary (53 min.)
- Film analysis by Jean-Bernard Pouy
- Trailer & posters
Total Video Title Codec Length Movie Size Disc Size Bitrate Bitrate Main Audio Track Secondary Audio Track ----- ------ ------- -------------- -------------- ------- ------- ------------------ --------------------- 00000.MPLS AVC 1:50:44 32 116 789 248 35 839 895 438 38,67 30,99 DTS-HD Master 2.0 880Kbps (48kHz/16-bit) DTS-HD Master 2.0 1015Kbps (48kHz/16-bit)
DISC INFO: Disc Title: PierrotLeFou.1965.BR Disc Size: 35 839 895 438 bytes Protection: AACS BD-Java: Yes Extras: 50Hz Content BDInfo: 0.5.8 PLAYLIST REPORT: Name: 00000.MPLS Length: 1:50:44.250 (h:m:s.ms) Size: 32 116 789 248 bytes Total Bitrate: 38,67 Mbps VIDEO: Codec Bitrate Description ----- ------- ----------- MPEG-4 AVC Video 30991 kbps 1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1 AUDIO: Codec Language Bitrate Description ----- -------- ------- ----------- DTS-HD Master Audio French 880 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 880 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit) DTS-HD Master Audio Spanish 928 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 928 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit / DN -6dB) DTS-HD Master Audio English 896 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 896 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit / DN -3dB) DTS-HD Master Audio German 918 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 918 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit / DN -5dB) DTS-HD Master Audio French 1015 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1015 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit / DN -4dB) SUBTITLES: Codec Language Bitrate Description ----- -------- ------- ----------- Presentation Graphics Dutch 34,003 kbps Presentation Graphics Danish 31,319 kbps Presentation Graphics English 33,075 kbps Presentation Graphics Finnish 32,347 kbps Presentation Graphics Norwegian 32,485 kbps Presentation Graphics Swedish 32,146 kbps Presentation Graphics Portuguese 34,069 kbps Presentation Graphics Spanish 33,151 kbps Presentation Graphics Japanese 16,072 kbps Presentation Graphics Spanish 23,563 kbps Presentation Graphics Japanese 22,540 kbps Presentation Graphics German 35,981 kbps Presentation Graphics Dutch 52,390 kbps Presentation Graphics German 52,568 kbps Presentation Graphics English 49,331 kbps Presentation Graphics Portuguese 50,327 kbps Presentation Graphics Spanish 48,044 kbps FILES: Name Time In Length Size Total Bitrate ---- ------- ------ ---- ------------- 00000.M2TS 0:00:00.000 1:50:44.250 32 116 789 248 38 670 CHAPTERS: Number Time In Length Avg Video Rate Max 1-Sec Rate Max 1-Sec Time Max 5-Sec Rate Max 5-Sec Time Max 10Sec Rate Max 10Sec Time Avg Frame Size Max Frame Size Max Frame Time ------ ------- ------ -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 1 0:00:00.000 0:00:41.000 2 587 kbps 5 608 kbps 00:00:00.875 3 303 kbps 00:00:23.916 2 926 kbps 00:00:08.958 13 458 bytes 215 046 bytes 00:00:40.875 2 0:00:41.000 0:05:22.500 24 920 kbps 36 887 kbps 00:01:50.916 35 491 kbps 00:01:48.958 35 288 kbps 00:01:48.916 129 791 bytes 378 386 bytes 00:01:50.958 3 0:06:03.500 0:08:50.375 23 427 kbps 30 200 kbps 00:10:02.583 28 788 kbps 00:09:59.875 26 615 kbps 00:09:55.000 122 018 bytes 255 252 bytes 00:07:58.000 4 0:14:53.875 0:09:18.291 28 956 kbps 41 055 kbps 00:19:15.333 39 269 kbps 00:19:13.458 37 910 kbps 00:19:09.708 150 811 bytes 371 862 bytes 00:19:16.375 5 0:24:12.166 0:10:45.458 31 523 kbps 41 263 kbps 00:24:18.958 40 084 kbps 00:24:18.958 39 922 kbps 00:33:24.291 164 184 bytes 397 751 bytes 00:24:21.833 6 0:34:57.625 0:09:30.791 33 953 kbps 41 236 kbps 00:37:31.416 39 975 kbps 00:37:26.666 39 919 kbps 00:37:30.416 176 840 bytes 387 899 bytes 00:37:33.458 7 0:44:28.416 0:11:57.166 34 598 kbps 41 633 kbps 00:54:52.291 40 034 kbps 00:56:12.458 39 923 kbps 00:55:54.500 180 199 bytes 465 597 bytes 00:55:48.333 8 0:56:25.583 0:08:01.833 33 167 kbps 41 375 kbps 01:02:09.791 39 898 kbps 01:04:13.625 39 858 kbps 01:04:09.375 172 745 bytes 428 569 bytes 01:02:09.833 9 1:04:27.416 0:11:25.583 32 036 kbps 40 958 kbps 01:13:37.375 39 985 kbps 01:13:37.416 38 987 kbps 01:13:31.375 166 856 bytes 352 581 bytes 01:06:34.833 10 1:15:53.000 0:13:30.416 31 882 kbps 40 786 kbps 01:25:42.708 39 899 kbps 01:18:05.541 39 849 kbps 01:17:56.625 166 054 bytes 344 430 bytes 01:15:56.250 11 1:29:23.416 0:09:07.000 33 225 kbps 40 984 kbps 01:33:52.416 39 917 kbps 01:38:14.375 39 918 kbps 01:38:13.791 173 045 bytes 366 996 bytes 01:33:59.458 12 1:38:30.416 0:05:28.000 33 738 kbps 42 702 kbps 01:43:23.208 39 630 kbps 01:43:43.083 38 661 kbps 01:43:39.583 175 718 bytes 380 770 bytes 01:43:41.625 13 1:43:58.416 0:06:45.833 28 628 kbps 41 137 kbps 01:44:26.208 39 933 kbps 01:47:16.750 39 893 kbps 01:47:14.625 149 117 bytes 430 350 bytes 01:44:27.250 STREAM DIAGNOSTICS: File PID Type Codec Language Seconds Bitrate Bytes Packets ---- --- ---- ----- -------- -------------- -------------- ------------- ----- 00000.M2TS 4113 (0x1011) 0x1B AVC 6644,083 30 992 25 739 277 622 139 980 433 00000.M2TS 4352 (0x1100) 0x86 DTS-HD MA fra (French) 6644,083 880 730 749 240 4 616 210 00000.M2TS 4353 (0x1101) 0x86 DTS-HD MA spa (Spanish) 6644,083 928 770 533 076 4 846 875 00000.M2TS 4354 (0x1102) 0x86 DTS-HD MA eng (English) 6644,083 896 744 236 044 4 694 879 00000.M2TS 4355 (0x1103) 0x86 DTS-HD MA deu (German) 6644,083 918 762 601 596 4 855 145 00000.M2TS 4356 (0x1104) 0x86 DTS-HD MA fra (French) 6644,083 1 015 842 612 836 5 169 564 00000.M2TS 4608 (0x1200) 0x90 PGS nld (Dutch) 6644,083 34 28 240 592 159 637 00000.M2TS 4609 (0x1201) 0x90 PGS dan (Danish) 6644,083 31 26 011 354 146 701 00000.M2TS 4610 (0x1202) 0x90 PGS eng (English) 6644,083 33 27 469 496 155 426 00000.M2TS 4611 (0x1203) 0x90 PGS fin (Finnish) 6644,083 32 26 865 319 152 233 00000.M2TS 4612 (0x1204) 0x90 PGS nor (Norwegian) 6644,083 32 26 979 777 152 848 00000.M2TS 4613 (0x1205) 0x90 PGS swe (Swedish) 6644,083 32 26 697 990 151 324 00000.M2TS 4614 (0x1206) 0x90 PGS por (Portuguese) 6644,083 34 28 295 231 159 988 00000.M2TS 4615 (0x1207) 0x90 PGS spa (Spanish) 6644,083 33 27 533 314 155 850 00000.M2TS 4616 (0x1208) 0x90 PGS jpn (Japanese) 6644,083 16 13 348 245 80 090 00000.M2TS 4617 (0x1209) 0x90 PGS spa (Spanish) 6644,083 24 19 569 828 112 991 00000.M2TS 4618 (0x120A) 0x90 PGS jpn (Japanese) 6644,083 23 18 719 868 111 118 00000.M2TS 4619 (0x120B) 0x90 PGS deu (German) 6644,083 36 29 883 086 168 610 00000.M2TS 4620 (0x120C) 0x90 PGS nld (Dutch) 6644,083 52 43 511 460 244 838 00000.M2TS 4621 (0x120D) 0x90 PGS deu (German) 6644,083 53 43 659 015 245 651 00000.M2TS 4622 (0x120E) 0x90 PGS eng (English) 6644,083 49 40 970 531 230 988 00000.M2TS 4623 (0x120F) 0x90 PGS por (Portuguese) 6644,083 50 41 798 212 235 706 00000.M2TS 4624 (0x1210) 0x90 PGS spa (Spanish) 6644,083 48 39 902 172 225 222
All thanks to the original uploader