Kindle Spy 1.0 | 3 MB
Kindle SPY Software by Marketing Enigma is Best Kindle software to Identify Bestselling Kindle Niches and help you Reverse Engineer’ The Kindle Categories In Just a few seconds To Find Your Next ‘Bestselling‘ Book Idea. Browse any category in the Amazon Kindle marketplace and in the background, KindleSpy will ‘automatically’ reverse engineer the best sellers.
Kindle SPY Software by Marketing Enigma tells you the best selling niches to go after, and even shows you the words to use in your book titles. KindleSpy will analyse any author page and tell you in seconds all their statistics. Just a single click will tell you the best seller rank of all their kindle books, along with the estimated sales and revenues per month and even thetotal sales revenue of all their books combined. It will take Just 2 Clicks! Chances are, you have been already loaded with favorites KindleSPY, but there’s a wealth of exciting software to be found when you dig a bit deeper. KindleSPY will load you with a new experience that will upgrade your method just a few bucks. Kindle SPY Software by Marketing Enigma is the most recommended if our picks for your new apps you’re not using yet!
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