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JP Software CMDebug 30.00.20 (x64) Multilingual

Posted By: melt_
JP Software CMDebug 30.00.20 (x64) Multilingual

JP Software CMDebug 30.00.20 (x64) Multilingual | 50.3 Mb

CMDebug allows you to write and debug your batch scripts with the integrated graphical IDE. CMDebug includes tabbed edit windows and a sophisticated debugger with single stepping, breakpoints, syntax coloring, tooltips, bookmarks, and tabbed variable and watch windows. Windows batch file programming has never been easier or more powerful!

You can use CMDebug to develop either CMD-compatible batch files (.BAT or .CMD), or TCC-RT-compatible scripts (.BTM). If you select the "TCC Syntax" option, CMDebug supports the full TCC-RT command set. If you select the "CMD Syntax" option, CMDebug will disable TCC-only internal commands, variables, and functions. Some internal CMD / TCC commands will also behave slightly differently or modify their display output in order to match CMD's behavior more closely.

Using CMDebug with TCC-RT allows you to create (and encrypt) scripts using the TCC command language, and then distribute them with the free TCC-RT runtime on an unlimited number of target machines.

Create and debug your batch scripts in a fraction of the time with the integrated editor and batch file debugger.
The consistent syntax reduces your learning and development time.
The comprehensive help (including context-sensitive popup help for command line syntax), speeds your development time and reduces syntax errors.
The user interface is available in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. (Online help is currently in English only.)

Operating System:
CMDebug is compatible with any version of Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 11, Server 2016, Server 2019, and Server 2022.

Home Page - http://jpsoft.com/