Insanity Samples Offensive Drums KONTAKT | 569 Mb
40 unique variations per drum or cymbol (4 round robins with 10 velocity layers per round robin). As with all Insanity Samples products these kits are incredibly versatile, capable of being soft and beautiful or industrial and aggressive. The dynamic layers go from the quietest prod, to the biggest smash, where the performer genuinely took a run up!
With the signature FX unit and brand new 'IRON FACTOR' dial to blend in a truly industrial and metallic punch to the STICKS kit. Equipt with 2 LFOs and a lowpass filter, moulding and modulating your drum sound feels very intuitive. All 3 kits include a series of 12 variating cymbal scrapes, for stinger like effects. Designed with both E-Drum kits and Keyboard drummers in mind, with standard drum mapping for E-Kits, coupled with duplicate triggering to allow for keyboard players to easily play complex rhythms on any single drum with two hands.