Heredis 2018 v18.3 | 257.3 Mb
Heredis helps 100,000 genealogy enthusiasts and professionals each day to discover their ancestors and create impressive family trees.
1 - Create your genealogy
Add family members or import a GEDCOM file: attach photos, alternate names, events, facts, places, sources and much, much more…
2 - Find your ancestors
Capture all documents useful to your genealogy and search for ancestors in a European online database with over 400 million records…
3 - Share your history
Relate your family history, print out family trees, share with any person you choose and on any type of device…
All the features you need to be a successful genealogist…
There is no better genealogy software than Heredis to create your family trees and to see your genealogy researches progress quickly. You’ll find more than 150 features in total to help you create, improve, share, and relate your ancestors’ history. It’s a wealth of features that has no equal!
Easy to install
Download, install, and start working on your genealogy right away.
Sharing documents
Print and share your genealogy data: charts, illustrated books, personal website, photo slideshows, etc.
Helpful tools
Capturing acts and records, editing images, indexes, data merging, consistency checking, etc.
Unlimited pedigree charts
Dozens of chart formats, designs, settings and options (ancestors, descendants or hourglass types).
Searching for ancestors
Launch searches from Heredis using some major search engines, or communicating with FamilySearch.
Track and follow the progress of your genealogy while publishing meaningful statistics.
GEDCOM compatible
Any file from any other genealogy software or website can be imported into Heredis.
System requirements:
Windows 7 or 8 or 10
500 MB disk space required
Screen 1024×700 minimum
Internet connection for research, publishing, integrated maps and Dashboard
Languages: English
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