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CSI CSiXCAD 19.3.0 Build 0153 (x64)

Posted By: Magictor
CSI CSiXCAD 19.3.0 Build 0153 (x64)

CSI CSiXCAD 19.3.0 Build 0153 (x64) | 184 Mb

CSiXCADTM is a plugin for AutoCAD®, BricsCAD®, and ZWCAD® that streamlines drawing production by directly interacting with ETABS® and SAP2000®.

CSiXCAD provides a live link between structural models defined and maintained in ETABS or SAP2000 and the drawings documenting them in the CAD software. Both steel and reinforced-concrete structures are supported.
CSiXCAD requires its own license. ETABS or SAP2000 must be installed and licensed on the same machine where CSiXCAD is being used when transferring data.

Import From ETABS or SAP2000
During import, you have full control over what objects are imported and what drawing views are generated. Data in the CSiXCAD BIM model is defined only once and any changes to a structural item in a drawing are reflected on all drawings where that item is shown.

Update From ETABS or SAP2000
CSiXCAD eliminates the need to transfer data and markups manually to CAD engineers and automatically generates an initial set of drawings that can then be customized and refined using CAD. When the engineer later makes changes to the original design model, CSiXCAD can compare the contents of its BIM model with the modified design model, and either import all changes or only selected changes. Previous edits made to the drawings in CSiXCAD are maintained, and a report listing the changes is generated.

BIM Objects
CSiXCAD creates “BIM objects” that explicitly represent structural components and their related annotation items. These BIM objects differ in many ways from native CAD objects in that they carry non-graphical structural and project information. Numerous options allow you to control how BIM objects display themselves in the CAD software. Modifications or changes made to the BIM objects allow for faster updating of drawings and details.

Home Page - https://www.csiamerica.com/products/csixcad