Bvckup 2 Release 74.5 Professional | 3 Mb
Select a pair of folders and Bvckup 2 will make sure that one stays an exact copy of the other. It is light, uncomplicated and really well designed. It is also incredibly fast.
Features at a glance
Real-time backups
Continuously monitor for changes and back them up as soon as they happen.
Scheduled and manual
Run backups at fixed time intervals or only when started manually.
Asynchronous I/O
Eliminate idling during data transfers by having multiple read and write requests running in parallel.
Delta copying
Reduce the amount of data being moved around by copying modified parts of files only. This speeds things up, in many cases dramatically.
Multi-core processing
Speed things up by running computationally intensive tasks such as data hashing on all CPU cores, but scale back when computer is under load.
Move/rename detection
Detect files and folders being moved at source and replicate this as a single quick operation on the backup side.
Destination snapshots
Avoid re-scanning backup location on every run by scanning it once and saving its file index locally.
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