BlueHarvest 6.3.3 (Mac OS X) | 8 MB
BlueHarvest will keep your non Mac formatted storage devices free of OS X metadata including .DS_Store files and ._ AppleDouble files. BlueHarvest automatically cleans these devices as you work without you needing to do a thing.
Whether you manage a version control system or just want to maximize your available memory, DS_Store and _AppleDouble files are a nuisance. Get BlueHarvest, and give those superfluous files the boot.
A clean Mac is a happy Mac
Keep it clean. Blue Harvest does more than remove existing files – it blocks new ones from being created.
Easy interface. With BlueHarvest, a less cluttered Mac is only two clicks away.
Instant access. Want to clean up a folder without launching BlueHarvest? Simply control-click.
Requires OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor
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