Autodesk InfoDrainage 2025.5.0 | 1.8 Gb
Autodesk has released InfoDrainage 2025.5.0 is an automated stormwater design software program that provides comprehensive assessment of stormwater designs.
InfoDrainage 2025.5 introduces Simulation Health Reporting which provides a detailed breakdown of simulation issues, such as continuity errors, categorized by specific model components for efficient troubleshooting.
Fixed Issues
Static Runoff
- Fixed a crash that occurs when using Chinese Rainfall from the Rainfall ribbon.
Culvert Design
- More specific outlines provided to engine for Arch and Ellipse connections. Corner Splay no longer incorrectly attributed to Arch and Ellipse connections.
MDX Export
- An issue with MDX export where an outlet with a flow control discharging to an outfall has been fixed.
Rainfall Viewer
- An issue in the rainfall viewer when switching between ARR temporal patterns has been fixed.
2D Validation
- Validation form is no longer displayed if there are no 1D/2D validation issues.
Land Uses and Soil Types
- Correct icon displayed when changing template of land use objects regardless of translation.
- Fixed a crash when files created or round tripped with IDCAD.
Foul Catchment
- Fixed a case where flow is not calculated correctly for Main Drainage catchments.
- Inflows exported by IDCAD do not have the cache set up.
Duplicate Selection
- An issue where duplicating multiple items selected in the plan view was causing InfoDrainage to crash has been resolved.
3D View
- An issue where '&' in a label crashed the 3D view has been resolved.
InfoDrainage is an automated stormwater design software program that provides comprehensive assessment of stormwater designs and is enhanced by "one-click" methodology, optimizing for all Runoff Reduction practices. Unlike many other tools and spreadsheets that assist with facility planning, InfoDrainage is integrated with CAD to shorten the design time, whatever your workflow.
Introduction to InfoDrainage
IMAGINiT expert Randy McCollum explores the features available in the Autodesk Innovyze InfoDrainage toolset
Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.
Owner: Autodesk Inc.
Product Name: InfoDrainage
Version: 2025.5.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 1.8 Gb
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