ADA 3D Mesh2Surface For Rhinoceros 5.v4.1.68 (x64) | 2 MB
Boost Rhinoceros software and make reverse engineering quick and easy. Mesh2Surface is a plug-in for Rhinoceros providing tools to convert your meshed scan data to complete CAD model in minutes rather than hours.
Mesh2Surface is a plug-in for Rhinoceros version 4.0 and 5.0. The plugin is 32 Bit and 64 bits working on Windows XP and Windows 7.
With a number of simple but efficient features to optimise the process of converting scanned data to a perfect CAD model. See some of the functions in action by clicking on the video links.
The video demonstration will show how the tools can optimise the process of creating a CAD model from digitised physical objects.
- Fit basic primitives like planes, cylinders, spheres, cones
- Revolved and extruded surfaces
- Advanced editing of profile for revolved and extruded surfaces
- Segment meshes based on fillet areas
- Measure the fillet radius
- Constraint extracted shapes
- Find the symmetry of the object
- Align an object to the world coordinate system
- Build best fit free form surface from part of the mesh
- Create curve based free form surface
- Keep all the surfaces in the Rhino file and modify them any time.
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