World of Martial Arts - September 06, 2018
English | 60 pages | True PDF | 15.7 MB
English | 60 pages | True PDF | 15.7 MB
Welcome to World Of Martial Arts Magazine.
Issue 1 September/ October is packed with 100% martial arts goodness with great articles, & images from respected writers, awesome classic movies, & martial art celebrities.
A 96yr old Karate black belt vs 30yr old Pro Boxer? Did this happen? Who Won?
Why is Chi Sau so important?
The Catch Roots of UFC & When was the Strangle Legal?
What does Ninjutsu mean to a Female Ninja?
Legendary Jackie Chan is Reborn in 4k classic movies
Was Bruce Lee's fighting style made up from other arts?
Survival Tips for BJJ Beginners.
What actually happened when Bruce Lee fought Wong Jack Man?
How do you get perfect Taekwondo striking technique?
Bruce Lee & JKD News Reviews
What is Aikido? Where did it come from?
Classic Fight Film Reviews
Where is the Power in Tai Chi?
How to Survive Seminar Training & Actually Improve
Are you Unbalanced in Judo & BJJ?
What is the Ancient Secret of Martial Arts Masters?
What is Xing Yi Quan? Why do you need to know?
Enjoy : )