CM - Watercolor Cactuses 1485736
PNG | 462 Mb
PNG | 462 Mb
With this file you will be able to create awesome and unique greeting cards and logos, all kinds of designs with cactus drawn with funny hands. Both vector and watercolor illustrations are included. Watercolor painting is scanned with high resolution and has a transparent background. Illustrations are also converted from handmade images.
With this watercolor cactus, the design of the PSD greeting card, PNG transparent background, JPEG,
You can also get unlimited and great designs by using both.
37 PSD and PNG transparent background 3000x3000 pix / 1000x1000 pix i300 dpi ( wild cactus element)
10 PNG transparent background 2000x2000 pix 300 dpi (cactus garden)
6 PNG wreaths (3000x3000 pix 300 dpi) with transparent background.
3 seamless patterns PNG JPG( 3000x3000 pix 300 dpi)
1 Bonus PSD layered JPEG 300 dpi) includes all elements on PSD