Mosaic Maker - Brushes & Patterns (Envato Elements)AI |141 MB
After a recent trip to Sicily, where I saw some stunning ancient Roman mosaics, it occurred to me that there was no tool which allowed Adobe Illustrator users to draw their own mosaic designs. On my return I therefore set about making this set of authentic tile brushes and patterns.
In this pack I've captured the irregular, chipped edges of the original Roman source material (c. 4th century AD) allowing you to create stunning designs and illustrations with a sense of antiquity. However, the pack isn't just for adding a vintage look - as you'll see from the screen-shots you can use them to bring a unique twist to contemporary designs too.
In order to make the pack I studied loads of real mosaics and developed the brushes by re-creating a real Roman design - the bear image screen-shot.
The pack contains all of these fantastic components:
The Brushes
A variety of mosaic tile brushes, all sourced from genuine 1600+ year old material.
If you are a tablet user, you'll be pleased to know that a version of the brushes with pressure sensitivity enabled is included (please note that this feature only works in Illustrator CS5+).
The Patterns
6 authentic mosaic repeat patterns - perfect for backgrounds or for flooding areas with tiles quickly.
A quick reference guide
This will help you quickly find the right brushes for the task in hand. Please note: This feature is available for CS5, CS6 and CC only.
A very thorough guide on how to load, apply and then adjust the brushes is supplied. This also includes specific tips explaining how I made the screen-shot designs.
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