GraphicRiver - Pro Facebook Timeline BundlePhotoshop PSD | 851x315 | CS5+ | 141 MB
Combined marketplace items:
Universal Facebook Timeline
Legendary Facebook Timeline
Pro Facebook Board Timeline
Universal 3D Dark Facebook Timeline
Universal Facebook Timeline v2
Universal FB Timeline v3
Package name: Pro Facebook Timeline Bundle
Software version: Photoshop CS5
Copyright: May 17, 2012
Author: Charles Brown
Items: – 9 PSD files
Complexity: Properly grouped easy modification.
- Properly grouped for easy modification
- Timeline size: 851X315px
- Auto-mask
Facebook timeline is an awesome way of displaying your story/profession/personal info on your Facebook page which will attract potential clients/followers. Are you searching for a unique and customizable Facebook timeline? You have come to the right page. Grab this package and upgrade your Facebook timeline to the executive level.