CreativeMarket - Electric Noise Flyer TemplatePhotoshop PSD | CS3+ | 12 MB
A flyer template thats perfect for promoting your next party, event or club.
Well organized PSD file in folders and layers for you to quickly and easily customize. Folders that require most customization are color coded. For opening or editing this template, Photoshop CS3 or later version is required.
Flyer specs and features:
Highly Detailed.
Print Ready
Layered Photoshop PSD
Print size: A4 (21×29.7 cm) or (8.3×11.7 inch) with bleed (21.6×30.3 cm) or (8.5×11.9 inch).
CMYK Color Mode.
Resolution - 300 DPI
Fully Editable text and color
Only FREE and Standard fonts used. Download links are provided inside the product documentation.
What's included?
1x Photoshop PSD file.
Instructions.txt (documentation and font download links).