PEP Digital 169 - Suzie Comics (2013)
English | CBR | 61 pages | 162.71 MB
English | CBR | 61 pages | 162.71 MB
Blonde and bubbly, not to mention bumbling, Suzie is a gorgeous girl with a clumsy streak that could rival Archie's! She's got a good heart and likes to help – though sometimes that's worse than having no help at all! When she's not hopping from job to job, she's hopping from boyfriend to boyfriend. Will she go steady with the handsome Greg or the lovable lunkhead Ferdie? Find out in over 50 pages of laughs!
DISCLAIMER: The stories, characters, and incidents in this publication are entirely fictional. This publication contains material that was originally created in a less racially and socially sensitive time in our society and reflects attitudes that may be acknowledged as offensive today. The stories are represented here with minimal alteration for historical reference.