Amazing Spider-Man Masterworks V14 (2015)
English | CBR | 242 pages | 498.22 MB
English | CBR | 242 pages | 498.22 MB
Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #132-142, Giant-Size Super Heroes #1.
Peter Parker has never had it easy. when he’s facing a gauntlet of ne’er-do-wells the likes of the Molten Man, Morbius and Man-Wolf, you know that the Parker luck is in full effect — and you’re in store for some top-notch Spider-Man adventures! Exhibit A: teetering on the edge of sanity since the death of his father — a.k.a. the Green Goblin — Harry Osborn goes off the deep end and takes up the mantle of Spidey’s nemesis. With his best friend out to kill him, it’s an edge-of-your-seat encounter that will redefine the webslinger’s world for decades to come. Plus: the Tarantula debuts; the Punisher returns; and Mindworm, Grizzly, Mysterio and the Jackal pile on.